Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers (1998 - 2001)
Publication in refereed journal
Au, W.Y., Lie, A.K.W., Ma, E.S.K., Chan, L.C., Lee, C.K., Kwong, Y.L., Chim, J.C.S., Chan, T.K., Chiu, E.K.W. and Liang, R.H.S. Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a single-centre experience. Hematological Oncology, 1998, 16: 163-168.
Au, W.Y., Hui, C.H., Chan, L.C., Liang, R.H.S. and Kwong, Y.L. Clinicopathological features of megaloblastic anaemia in Hong Kong: a study of 84 Chinese patients. Clinical Laboratory Haematology, Blackwell Science Limited, 1998, 20: 217-219.
Au, W.Y., Ma, E.S.K., Chan, A.C.L. and Kwong, Y.L. Near tetraploidy in three cases of mediastinal granulocytic sarcoma. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 1998, 102: 50-53.
Au, W.Y., Lie, A.K.W., Lam, C.C.K., Fan, S.T., Liu, C.L., Young, K. and Lo, C.M. Tacrolimus (FK506) induced thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura after ABO mismatched second liver transplantation: salvage with plasmapheresis and prostacyclin. Haematologica, 2000, 85: 659-662.
Au, W.Y., Lie, A.K.W., Lam, C.C.K., Fan, S.T., Liu, C.L., Young, K.K. and Lo, C.M. Tacrolimus (FK506) induced thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura after ABO mismatched second liver transplantation: salvage with plasmapheresis and prostacyclin (abstract). Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 1999, 3(Suppl): S16.
Au, W.Y., Chan, K.W., Lui, S.L., Lam, C.C.K. and Kwong, Y.L. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and mesangial sclerosis associated with myeloproliferative disorders. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 1999, 34: 889-893.
Au, W.Y., Shek, T.W.H. and Kwong, Y.L. Epstein-Barr virus related intravascular lymphomatosis. American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2000, 24: 309.
Au, W.Y., Ma, E.S.K., Lam, C.C.K., Chan, L.C. and Kwong, Y.L. Tetraploid acute promyelocytic leukemia with large bizarre blast cell morphology. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 2000, 115: 52-55.
Au, W.Y., Shek, T.W.H., Leung, G., Ooi, C.G.C. and Kwong, Y.L. Diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma in a pituitary adenoma: an unusual cause of pituitary apoplexy. American Journal of Hematology, 2000, 63: 231-232.
Au, W.Y., Kwong, Y.L., Shek, T.W.H., Leung, G. and Ooi, C.G.C. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the pituitary: an unusual cause of pituitary apoplexy. American Journal of Hematology, 2000, 63: 231-232.
Au, W.Y., Chan, A.C.L., Srivastava, G., Leung, S.Y. and Liang, R.H.S. Incidence and pathology of primary brain lymphoma in Hong Kong Chinese patients. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 2000, 37: 175-179.
Au, W.Y., Kwong, Y.L., Ma, E.S.K., Chan, L.C., Lie, A.K.W., Chim, J.C.S., Chiu, E.K.W. and Liang, R.H.S. Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation versus consolidation chemotherapy in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a single center experience. Hematological Oncology, 1998, 16: 163-168.
Au, W.Y., Lie, A.K.W., Ma, E.S.K., Chan, L.C., Lee, C.K., Kwong, Y.L., Chim, J.C.S., Chan, T.K., Chiu, E.K.W. and Liang, R.H.S. Outcome of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in adult lymphoblastic leukemia compared to intensive consolidation: a single center experience.. Hematological Oncology., 1999, 16: 163-168.
Au, W.Y., Ma, E.S.K., Kwong, Y.L., Ng, I.O.L., Hawkins, B.R., Wan, T.S., Liu, C.L., Fan, S.T. and Lo, C.M. Graft-versus-host disease after liver transplantation: documentation by fluorescent in situ hybridisation and human leucocyte antigen typing. Clinical Transplantation, 2000, 14: 174-177.
Au, W.Y., Ma, E.S.K., Kwong, Y.L., Lie, A.K.W., Shek, T.W.H., Chow, L.W.C. and Liang, R.H.S. Acute myeloid leukemia relapsing as gynecomastia. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 2000, 36: 191-194.
Au, W.Y., Kwong, Y.L., Lie, A.K.W., Ma, E.S.K. and Liang, R.H.S. Extramedullary relapse of leukemia following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Hematological Oncology, 2000, 17: 45-52.
Beh, S.L. and Dickens, P. Fatal gastrointestinal haemorrhage due to coexisting primary aorto-enteric and aorto-colic fistulae. Complicating untreated atheromatous abdominal aortic aneurysm. Forensic Science International, Ireland, Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., 1998, 96 (Issue 2-3): 101-106.
Beh, S.L. Rape in Hong Kong: an overview of current knowledge. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, Edinburgh, UK, Association of Police Surgeons/Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd., 1998, 5: 124-128.
Chan, A.S.Y., Leung, S.Y., Wong, M.P., Yuen, S.T., Cheung, N., Fan, Y.W. and Chung, L.P. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in the anaplastic progression of astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, and ependymoma. The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 1998, 22(7): 816-826.
Chan, C.C.W., Lao, T.T.H. and Cheung, A.N.Y. Preliminary report on the rate of apoptosis in human first and third trimester placentae. Hong Kong Medical Journal Supplement, 1998, 4(4): 84.
Chan, C.C.W., Lao, T.T.H. and Cheung, A.N.Y. Apoptosis in human placenta. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1999, 179 (5): 1377-1378.
Chan, C.C.W., Lao, T.T.H. and Cheung, A.N.Y. Trophoblastic proliferation and apoptosis in relation to gestational age in normal human pregnancies. Placenta, 1999, 20: 223-227.
Chan, C.C.W., Lao, T.T.H. and Cheung, A.N.Y. Trophoblastic proliferation and apoptosis in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction. Placenta, 1999, 20(5/6): A.16. (Publication No. 047662)
Chan, C.C.W., Lao, T.T.H. and Cheung, A.N.Y. Apoptotic and proliferative activities in first trimester placentae. Placenta, 1998, 20: 223-227.
Chan, D.T.M. and Chan, K.W. Fibrillary glomerulonephritis in siblings. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 1998, 31(5): E2.
Chan, D.T.M., Li, F.K., Hao, W.K., Lui, S.L., Chan, K.W. and Lai, K.N. Combined steroid and sequential use of cyclophosphamide followed by azathioprine in the treatment of membranous lupus nephritis with nephrotic syndrome. Lupus, 1999, 8: 1-7.
Chan, D.T.M., Li, F.K., Hao, W.K., Chan, K.W., Lui, S.L., Tang, S. and Lai, K.N. Treatment of membranous lupus nephritis with nephrotic syndrome by sequential immunosuppression. Lupus, 1999, 8: 545-551.
Chan, G.C.F., Ma, E.S.K., Ha, S.Y., Srivastava, G., Wan, T.S.K., Kwong, D.L.W., Chan, L.C. and Lau, Y.L. Biphenotypic Lymphoblastic Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma with a Balanced Translocation t(1;9)(p10;q10): Unusual Presentation With Poor Outcome. Medical and Pediatric Oncology, 1999, 32: 450-452.
Chan, G.S.W., Yuen, S.T., Chu, K.M., Ho, J.W.C., Leung, S.Y. and Ho, J.C. Helicobacter pylori in Meckel's diverticulum with heterotopic gastric mucosa in a population with relatively high H. pylori prevalence rate. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1999, 14: 313-316.
Chan, G.S.W., Choy, C.K.W., Ng, W.K. and Chan, K.W. Desmoplastic malignant melanoma on the buttock of an 18-year-old girl: differentiation from desmoplastic nevus. The American Journal of Dermatopathology, 1999, 21(2): 170-173.
Chan, G.S.W., Ng, W.K., Ng, I.O.L. and Dickens, P. Massive pulmonary tumour embolism due to hepatocellular carcinoma: a diagnosis commonly missed. Forensic Science International, 2000, 108: 215-221.
Chan, G.S.W., Yuen, S.T., Chu, K.M., Ho, J.W.C., Leung, S.Y. and Ho, J.C.Y. Helicobacter pylori in Meckel's Diverticulum with heterotopic gastric mucosa in a population with relatively high Helicobacter pylori prevalence rate. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1999, 14: 313-316.
Chan, K.L., Fan, S.T., Saing, H., Wei, W.I., Lo, C.M., Ng, I.O.L., Tsoi, N.S., Chan, J., Tso, W.K., Yuen, K.Y., Tam, P.K.H. and Wong, J. Paediatric liver transplantation at Queen Mary Hospital (abstract). Hong Kong Medical Journal Supplement, 1998, 4: 39.8.
Chan, K.L., Chan, K.W. and Tam, P.K.H. Segmental small bowel allograft - ischemic injury and regeneration. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 1998, 33: 1703-1706.
Chan, K.L., Chan, K.W. and Tam, P.K.H. Preservation injury to small bowel allograft - jejunum versus ileum. Transplantation Proceedings, 1998, 30: 3452-3454.
Chan, K.L., Saing, H., Fan, S.T., Wei, W.I., Lo, C.M., Ng, I.O.L., Tsoi, N.S., Chan, J.K.F., Tso, W.K., Yuen, K.Y., Tam, P.K.H. and Wong, J. Post-liver transplantation stenoses of biliary-enteric anastomoses in infancy: diagnosis and treatment (abstract). Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 1999, 3 (Supplement): S10.20.
Chan, K.L., Fan, S.T., Saing, H., Wei, W.I., Lo, C.M., Ng, I.O.L., Tsoi, N.S., Chan, J.K.F., Tso, W.K., Yuen, K.Y., Tam, P.K.H. and Wong, J. Liver transplantation is not contraindicated in infancy (abstract). Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 1999, 3: S10.
Chan, K.W., Chan, D.T.M. and Cheng, I.K.P. Clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with glomerular diseases at a university teaching hospital: 5-year prospective review. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 1999, 5: 240-244.
Chan, S.W.S., Bando, Y., Warr, G.W., Middleton, D.L. and Higgins, D.A. Duck lymphocytes, VIII, T-lymphoblastoid cell lines from reticuloendotheliosis virus-induced tumours of the duck. Avian Pathology, 1999, 28: 171-186.
Chan, T.L., Yuen, S.T., Chung, L.P., Ho, J.W.C., Kwan, K.Y.M., Fan, Y.W., Chan, A.S.Y. and Leung, S.Y. Germline hMSH2 and differential somatic mutations in patients with Turcot's syndrome. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 1999, 25: 75-81.
Chan, T.L., Yuen, S.T., Chung, L.P., Ho, J.W.C., Kwan, K.Y.M., Fan, Y.W., Chan, A.S.Y. and Leung, S.Y. Germline hMSH2 and differential somatic mutations in patients with Turcot's syndrome. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 1999, 25: 75-81.
Chan, T.L., Yuen, S.T., Chung, L.P., Ho, J.W.C., Kwan, K.Y.M., Chan, A.S.Y., Ho, J.C.Y., Leung, S.Y. and Wyllie, A.H. Frequent microsatellite instability and mismatch repair gene mutations in young Chinese patients with colorectal cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1999, 91: 1221-1226.
Chan, Y.M., Cheung, A.N.Y., Cheng, D.K.L., Ng, T.Y., Ngan, H.Y.S. and Wong, R.L.C. Pathology slide review in gynecologic oncology: routine or selective?. Gynecologic Oncology, 1999, 75: 267-271.
Chang, Y.W. and Hawkins, B.R. Comparison of serologic HLA class I results in a bone marrow donor registry with results obtained by DNA methods. Transplantation Proceedings, Elsevier Science Inc., 1998, 30: 3486-3487.
Chen, T., Cheung, S.T., Ng, I.O.L., Lo, C.M., Yu, W.C. and Fan, S.T. Hepatitis B virus activity and its impact on liver histology and tumor biological features in hepatocellular carcinoma (abstract). Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 1999, 3(Suppl): S15.
Cheng, D.K.L., Chan, Y.M., Ng, T.Y., Cheung, A.N.Y., Ngan, H.Y.S. and Wong, R.L.C. Mitomycin chemotherapeutic pleurodesis to palliate malignant pleural effusions secondary to gynecological cancer. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 1999, 78: 443-446.
Cheng, G.X., Zhu, X.H., Men, X.Q., Wang, L., Huang, Q.H., Jin, X.L., Xiong, S.M., Zhu, J., Guo, W.M., Chen, J.Q., Xu, S.F., So, C.W., Chan, L.C., Waxman, S., Zelent, A., Chen, G.Q., Dong, S., Liu, J.X. and Chen, S.J. Distinct leukemia phenotypes in transgenic mice and different corepressor interactions generated by promyelocytic leukemia variant fusion genes PLZF-RAR a and NPM-RAR a. Proceedings of National Academy Science, USA, 1999, 96: 6318-6323.
Cheng, P.W., Leung, S.Y., Hung, K.N., Ma, H.T.Y. and Leong Fung, L.L.Y. Atypical features of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor with pathologic-radiologic correlation. International Journal of Neuroradiology, 1998, 4: 268-276.
Cheung, A.N.Y., Shen, D.H., Khoo, U.S., Chiu, P.M., Tin, P.C., Chung, L.P. and Ngan, H.Y.S. Immunohistochemical and mutational analysis of p53 tumour suppressor gene in gestational trophoblastic disease - correlation with mdm2, proliferation index and clinicopathological parameters. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 1999, 9: 123-130.
Cheung, A.N.Y., Zhang, D.K., Liu, Y., Ngan, H.Y.S., Shen, D.H. and Tsao, G.S.W. Telomerase activity in gestational trophoblastic disease. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1999, 52(8): 588-592.
Chiang, A.K.S., Wong, K.Y., Liang, A.C.T. and Srivastava, G. Comparative analysis of Epstein-barr virus gene polymorphisms in nasal T/NK-cell lymphomas and normal nasal tissues: implications on virus strain selection in malignancy. International Journal of Cancer, 1999, 80: 356-364.
Chim, J.C.S., Chan, A.C., Choo, C.K., Kwong, Y.L., Lie, A.K.W. and Liang, R.H.S. Mantle cell lymphoma in the Chinese: clinicopathological features and treatment outcome. American Journal of Hematology, New York, USA, A.R. Liss, 1999, 59: 295-301.
Chim, J.C.S., Ma, E.S.K., Lam, C.C.K. and Liang, R.H.S. Two uncommon lymphomas. Case 2: signet ring lymphoma of the bone marrow. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1999, 17: 728-729.
Chim, J.C.S., Shek, T.W.H., Ooi, C.G.C. and Liang, R.H.S. Meningeal relapse in Hodgkin's disease. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2000, 18: 1153-1155.
Chim, J.C.S., Shek, T.W.H., Ooi, C.G.C. and Liang, R.H.S. Aggressive CD-30 positive, ALK-negative Tcell lymphoma of the Waldeyer's ring. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 2000, 38: 199-202.
Chim, J.C.S., Choy, C.K.W. and Liang, R.H.S. Primary Hodgkin's disease of the liver. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 2000, 37: 629-632.
Chim, J.C.S., Choy, C.K.W., Ooi, C.G.C. and Liang, R.H.S. Primary follicle center (FCL) lymphoma of the intestine. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1999, 17: 3684-3688.
Chim, J.C.S., Shek, T.W.H. and Liang, R.H.S. Isolated breast relapse masquerading as 'Gynecomastia' in ALL. American Journal of Medicine, 2000, 108: 667-679.
Chim, J.C.S., Shek, T.W.H., Liang, R.H.S. and Kwong, Y.L. Kimura's disease: no evidence of clonality. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2000, 83: 880-881.
Chim, J.C.S., Choy, C.K.W., Liang, R.H.S. and Kwong, Y.L. Isolated uterine relapse of T/NK cell lymphoma. Lymphoma Leukemia, 2000, 34: 629-632.
Chim, J.C.S., Ooi, C.G.C., Shek, T.W.H., Liang, R.H.S. and Kwong, Y.L. Lethal midline granuloma revisited: nasal T/NK cell lymphoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1999, 17: 1322-1325.
Chim, J.C.S., Shek, T.W.H., Liang, R.H.S. and Kwong, Y.L. Kimura's disease: No evidence of clonality. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 1999, 83: 878-879.
Chim, J.C.S., Lam, A.K.Y. and Chan, K.W. Castleman's disease, Kaposi's sarcoma and glomerulonephritis. American Journal of Medicine, 1999, 107: 186-188.
Chim, J.C.S., Choy, C.K.W. and Liang, R.H.S. Primary anaplastic large cell lymphoma of muscle presenting with compartment syndrome. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 1999, 33(5-6): 601-605.
Chim, J.C.S., Ma, E.S.K. and Lam, C.C.K. Bone marrow necrosis in chronic myeloid leukemia. Leukemia and Lymphoma, 1999, 33(3-4): 385-388.
Chim, J.C.S., Kwong, Y.L., Lie, A.K.W., Choy, C.K.W. and Liang, R.H.S. CEOP treatment results and validity of the international prognostic index in Chinese patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Hematological Oncology, 1998, 16: 117-123.
Chim, J.C.S., Ooi, C.G.C., Shek, T.W.H., Liang, R.H.S. and Kwong, Y.L. Lethal midline granuloma revisited: Nasal T/Natural-Killer cell lymphoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1999, 17: 1322-1325.
Chim, J.C.S., Ooi, C.G.C., Ma, E.S.K. and Lam, C.C.K. Bone marrow necrosis in bone marrow transplantation: the role of MR imaging. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 1998, 22: 1125-1128.
Choo, C.K., Ling, M.T., Chan, K.W., Tsao, G.S.W., Zheng, Z., Zheng, D., Chan, L.C. and Wong, Y.C. Immortalization of human prostate epithelial cells by HPV 16 E6/E7 open reading frames. Prostate, 1999, 40(3): 150-158.
Chow, L.S.N., Wang, X., Kwong, D.L.W., Sham, J.S.T., Tsao, G.S.W. and Nicholls, J.M. Effect of p16INK4a on chemosensitivity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. International Journal of Oncology, 2000, 17: 135-140.
Fan, S.T., Ng, I.O.L., Poon, R.T.P., Lo, C.M., Liu, C.L. and Wong, J. Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma - the surgeon's role in long-term survival. Archives of Surgery, 1999, 134: 1124-1130.
Fan, S.T., Lo, C.M., Cheung, S.T., Lai, C.L. and Ng, I.O.L. Lamivudine in liver transplantation. Hepatitis B in the Asian-Pacific region: new insights into managing and treating patients, London, U.K., Royal College of Physicians of London, 1999, 3: 75-80.
Fan, S.T., Lo, C.M., Liu, C.L., Yong, B.H., Chan, J.K.F. and Ng, I.O.L. Safety of donors in live-donor liver transplantation using right lobe graft (abstract). Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 1999, 3: S8.
Fan, S.T., Lo, C.M., Liu, C.L., Yong, B.H., Chan, J.K.F. and Ng, I.O.L. Safety of donors in live-donor liver transplantation using right lobe grafts. Archives of Surgery, 2000, 135: 336-340.
Fan, S.T., Ng, I.O.L., Poon, R.T.P., Lo, C.M., Liu, C.L. and Wong, J. Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma - the surgeon's role in long-term survival (abstract). Annals of the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 1999, 3: S1.
Ge, H., Wong, M.P., Lam, W.K., Lee, J., Fu, K.H., Yew, W.W. and Lung, M.L. p53 intron 2 genotypes detected in normal specimens and lung carcinomas in Hong Kong. Oncology Reports, 1998, 5: 1265-1267.
Ghadessy, F.J., Lim, J., Abdullah, A.A., Panet-Raymond, V., Choo, C.K., Lumbroso, R., Tut, T.G., Gottlieh, B., Pinsky, L., Trifiro, M.A. and Yong, E.L. Oligospermic infertility associated with an androgen receptor mutation that disrupts interdomain and coactivator (TIF2) interactions. Journal of Clinical Investigation, Stanford, CA, USA, High Wire Press, 1999, 103: 1517-1525.
Hawkins, B.R. No differences in causes of graft failure in living related and cadaveric kidney transplantation in Hong Kong Chinese. Transplantation Proceedings, Elsevier Science Inc., 1998, 30: 3090-3091.
Hicks, C.L., Kinoshita, R.E. and Ladds, P.W. Pathology of melioidosis in captive marine mammals. Australian Veterinary Journal, 2000, 78(3): 193-195.
Higgins, D.A., Henry, R.R. and Kounev, Z.V. Duck immune responses to Rimerella anatipestifer vaccines. Developmental and Comparative Immunology (Special Issue), 2000, 24: 153-167.
Ho, J.W., Liang, R.H.S. and Srivastava, G. Preferential type1-1 cytokine gene expressions in peripheral T-cell lymphomas. Hematological Oncology, 1999, 17: 117-129.
Ho, J.W.C., Yuen, S.T., Chung, L.P. and Kwan, K.Y.M. Genetic-guided screening programme for familial adenomatous polyposis: result of a regional registry (abstract). Hong Kong Medical Journal Supplement, 1998, 4: 10.9.
Ho, J.W.C., Yuen, S.T., Chung, L.P., Kwan, K.Y.M., Chan, T.L., Leung, S.Y., Chan, A.S.Y., Tse, C.W., Lam, P.W.Y. and Luk, S.C. Distinct clinical features associated with microsatellite instability in colorectal cancers of young patients. International Journal of Cancer, 2000, 89: 356-360.
Ho, J.W.C., Yuen, S.T., Chung, L.P., So, H.C. and Kwan, K.Y.M. The role of sulindac in familial adenomatous polyposis patients with ileal pouch polyposis. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 1999, 69: 756-758.
Ho, J.W.C., Kwan, K.Y.M., Yuen, S.T. and Chung, L.P. Colonoscopic surveillance and screening for familial colorectal cancer: experience of a regional registry (abstract). Hong Kong Medical Journal Supplement, 1998, 4: 10.7.
Ho, J.W.Y., Liang, R.H.S. and Srivastava, G. Differential cytokine expression in EBV positive peripheral T cell lymphomas. Journal of Clinical Pathology - Molecular Pathology, 1999, 52(5): 269-274.
Ho, W.Y., Chan, A.C.L., Chiang, A.K.S. and Srivastava, G. Phenotypic and cytotoxic characteristics of peripheral T-cell and NK-cells lymphomas in relation to EBV association. Histopathology, 1999, 34: 16-24.
Hu, H.C., Lam, S.K., Ho, J., Yuen, S.T., Ching, C.K., Wong, B.C.Y., Lai, K.C., Cavacci, A., Ong, L.Y., Chen, B.W., Jiang, X.W., Hou, X.H., Lu, J.Y., Wang, Q.H. and Hui, W.M. CagA positivity is not related to premalignant gastric lesions in Chinese Helicobacter pylori carriers. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2000, 15 (suppl): B57.
Hu, Y., Lam, A.K.Y., Wan, T.S.K., Fang, W.G., Ma, E.S.K., Chan, L.C. and Srivastava, G. Establishment and characterization of HKESC-1, a new cancer cell line from human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 2000, 118: 112-120.
Hu, Y., Lam, A.K.Y., Tang, C.O. and Srivastava, G. Mutational analysis of the PTEN/MMAC1 gene in primary oesophageal squamous cell carcinomas. Journal of Clinical Pathology - Molecular Pathology, 1999, 52(6): 353-356.
Ip, M.S.M., Yan, X., Wong, M.P., Tsang, K.W.T. and Lam, W.K. Serum in bronchiectasis enchances neutrophil cell adhesion molecule exprerssion on endothelia cells. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 1999, 159 supp 2: A110.
Jiang, X., Yang, D., Lam, S.K., Jiang, S.H., Yuen, S.T., Cho, C.H., Lai, K.C. and Wong, B.C.Y. Tripterygium wilfordii Hook f induced apoptosis in gastric cancer through p-53 dependent or p-53-independent pathway. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2000, 15 (suppl): B119.
Jiang, X.H., Yuen, S.T., Lam, S.K., Eggo, M.C., Lai, K.C., Hu, H.C., Leung, S.Y. and Wong, B.C.Y. Arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis in human gastric cancer is mediated by protein kinase C and p53-dependent pathway. The Hong Kong Practitioner, 1999, 21:2 (suppl): 53.
Khoo, U.S. and Leong, A.S.Y. Biologic markers in breast cancer: An update. The Journal of Histotechnology, 1998, 21(4): 317-325.
Khoo, U.S., Ozcelik, H., Cheung, A.N.Y., Chow, L.W.C., Ngan, H.Y.S., Done, S.J., Liang, A.C.T., Chan, V.W.Y., Au, G.K.H., Ng, W.F., Poon, C.S.P., Leung, Y.F., Loong, F., Ip, P.P.C., Chan, G.S.W., Andrulis, I.L., Lu, J. and Ho, F.C.S. Short report: Somatic mutations in the BRCA1 gene in Chinese sporadic breast and ovarian cancer. Oncogene, 1999, 18: 4643-4646.
Khoo, U.S., Ngan, H.Y.S., Cheung, A.N.Y., Chan, Y.K., Lu, J., Chan, V.W.Y., Lau, S., Andrulis, I.L. and Ozcelik, H. Mutational analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Chinese ovarian cancer identifies 6 novel germline mutations. Human Mutation, 2000, 16: 88-89.
Koppenheffer, T.L., Chan, S.W.S. and Higgins, D.A. The complement system of the duck. Avian Pathology, 1999, 28: 17-25.
Kwong, D.L.W., Nicholls, J.M., Wei, W.I., Chua, D.T.T., Sham, J.S.T., Yuen, P.W., Cheng, A.C.K., Wan, K.Y., Kwong, P.W.K. and Choy, D.T.K. The time course of histologic remission after treatment of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Cancer, 1999, 85: 1446-1453.
Kwong, Y.L., Ng, M.H. and Ma, E.S.K. Familial acute myeloid leukemia with monosomy 7: late onset and involvement of a multipotential progenitor cell. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 2000, 116: 170-173.
Lam, A.K.Y. and Lo, C.Y. Role of p53 tumor suppressor gene in pancreatic endocrine tumors of Chinese patients. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 1998, 93: 1232-1235.
Lam, A.K.Y., Lo, C.Y., Chan, K.W. and Wan, K.Y. Insular and anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid - a 45-year comparative study at a single instituion and a review of the significance of p53 and p21. Annals of Surgery, 2000, 231(3): 329-338.
Lam, A.K.Y., Law, S., Tung, P.H.M. and Wong, J. Esophageal small cell carcinomas - clinicopathologic parameters, p53 overexpression, proliferation marker, and their impact on pathogenesis. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 2000, 124: 228-233.
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Scholarly books and monographs
Au W.Y., Chan K.W., Lui S.L., Lam C.C.K. and Kwong Y.L., Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and mesangial sclerosis associated with myeloproliferative disorders, American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 1999, 34: 889-893.
Chan K.W., Chan D.T.M. and Cheng I.K.P., Clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with glomerular diseases at a university teaching hospital: 5-year prospective review, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 1999, 5: 240-244.
Luk S.C., Shek T.W.H., Tang V.W.L. and Ng W.F., Interdigitating dendritic cell tumor of the testis - a novel testicular spindle cell neoplasm, The American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 1999, 23(9): 1141-1148.
Tang S., Chan K.W., Chan D.T.M. and Lai K.N., Renal biopsy teaching case: skin lesions, hepatitis, and nephropathy in a 30-year-old man, American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 1999, 34: 380-383.
Yau C.F.F., Choo C.K., Chan D.T.M., Cheng I.K.P. and Chan K.W., Genetic linkage study of family members of a patient with adult polycystic kidney disease, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 1999, 5: 344-348.