The Department of Pathology has 23 full-time academic staff. Active research, together with teaching of the Pathology disciplines, such as Anatomical Pathology, Haematology, Immunology and Chemical Pathology, to undergraduate medical and dental students, as well as research postgraduate students are our main focus.
Many of our students have received distinguished awards and accolades over the years for their research excellence including the 'Dr KP Stephen Chang Gold Medal' for PhD thesis, 'Li Ka Shing' prizes for MPhil and PhD theses, the 'Young Investigator Award' of the Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, and the 'Young Investigator Award' of the American Association of Cancer Research.
Our Department is well-equipped for research A centrally-located Core Facility Suite, is home to an assortment of state-of-the-art equipment, including an EPICS ALTRA Flow Cytometer, a BD FACSCalibur, a DNA Sequencer, an Automated Karotyping, Multicolour FISH and CGH Workstation, a Tissue Arrayer and a Real-time Quantitative PCR System.
MPhil/PhD Studies
- Gynaecological malignancies (Professor Annie NY Cheung)
- Gynaecological Pathology (Professor Philip PC Ip)
- Molecular Oncology, Pathology and Genetics of Breast Cancer (Professor US Khoo)
- Genomics, Genetics and Precision Cancer Medicine in Colon and Stomach Cancers (Professor SY Leung)
- Characterisation of Molecular Mechanisms and Signalling Pathways in Cancers (Professor Regina CL Lo)
- Molecular Genetic and Functional Analyses of Novel Genes and Important Cellular Pathways in Liver Cancer (Professor Irene OL Ng)
- Malignant Lymphoma (Professor Rex KH Au Yeung)
- Genetics and Epigenetics of Liver Cancer (Professor Jack CM Wong)
- Tumour Microenvironment of Liver Cancer (Professor Judy WP Yam)
- Molecular Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer (Professor Helen HN Yan)
- Immunology (Professor LW Lu)
- Molecular Biology of Liver Cancer, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) (Professor Carmen CL Wong)
- Metabolic Reprogramming in HCC (Professor Carmen CL Wong)
- Translational Studies in HCC (Professor Carmen CL Wong)
- Therapeutic Targets and Molecular Mechanisms of Acute Leukaemia (Professor Albert CF Sin)
- Single-Cell Transcriptomics in Liver Cancer (Professor Daniel WH Ho)
- Liquid Biopsy in Liver Cancer (Professor Daniel WH Ho)
- Bioinformatics in Liver Cancer (Professor Daniel WH Ho)
- Integrated Chemical Biology Approach for Studying Redox Stress and Its Associated Diseases (Professor Clive YS Chung)
Learn more about research postgraduate studies at the Department.
General Information
Candidates must satisfy the University’s entrance requirements, details of which are available from The University of Hong Kong’s Postgraduate Admission page.
Informal enquiries in the first instance should be directed to the potential supervisors.
For further enquiries, please contact:
Professor YAM Wai Ping, Judy
Research Postgraduate Coordinator
Department of Pathology
School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
Queen Mary Hospital Compound
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
(852) 2255-2667 | |
(852) 2218-5216 | | |
Master of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology (MMDPath)
The MMDPath programme aims to provide health care professionals with a deeper understanding of the molecular and genetic basis of diseases and the application of this knowledge in diagnosis and patient management. The curriculum provides a wide range of topics in Molecular and Diagnostic pathology, including topics forefront of the emerging field, which are highly relevant to the work practice of students from different backgrounds.
Enrolment will be open to both local and overseas students. Teaching will be delivered by both face-to-face as well as on-line means, consisting of a combination of didactic lectures, interactive tutorials and practicals, clinical case-based discussion and the use of real-patient scenarios to illustrate the clinical applications of molecular and diagnostic pathology. Innovative use of technology enriched learning and virtual laboratory visits will enable active participation by overseas students.
Learn more about the Master of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology programme here.
For further enquiries, please contact:
Professor KHOO Ui-Soon
Academic Director
Department of Pathology
School of Clincal Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
Queen Mary Hospital Compound
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
(852) 2255-2664 | |
(852) 2218-5213 | | |
Master of Medical Sciences
Besides research postgraduate degrees, the Department of Pathology offers number of specialised courses to students enrolled for the Master of Medical Sciences degree course in the Faculty of Medicine. These provide in-depth education in a number of aspects of clinical, anatomical and experimental pathology. Students choosing the Pathology option for their MMedSci studies also carry out their research projects in one of these areas, more specifically Chemical Pathology, Haematology/Blood Bank, Immunology, Anatomical Pathology or Molecular Pathology. These modules are particularly suitable for people working in clinical or medical research laboratories and who see themselves having a career in these fields. We are also an Accredited Programme Provider of the Continuing Professor Development (CPD) pilot scheme for the Medical Laboratory Technologists Board of Hong Kong.
Learn more about Master of Medical Sciences programme in LKS Faculty of Medicine
For further enquiries, please contact:
Professor YAM Wai Ping, Judy
Taught Postgraduate Coordinator
Department of Pathology
School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
Queen Mary Hospital Compound
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
(852) 2255-2667 | |
(852) 2218-5216 | | |
Useful Links
Graduate SchoolTaught Postgraduate Prospectus