Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers (2001 - 2002)
Publication in refereed journal
Au W.Y., Kwong Y.L. and Ma E.S.K., Acute myeloid leukemia after Dengue fever in a patient with Hemoglobin H disease, Haematologica. 2001, 86: E17.
Au W.Y., Lie A.K.W., Liang R.H.S., Liu C.L., Shek T.W.H. and Lau G., Aggressive hepatocellular carcinoma complicating pregnancy after autologous bone marrow transplantation for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma., Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2002, 29: 177-179.
Au W.Y., Lam C.C.K. and Jim M.H., An unusual case of coronary artery disease in a patient with Christmas disease, American Journal of Hematology. 2002, 69: 152-153.
Au W.Y., Hawkins B.R., Lie A.K.W., Kung A.W.C., Kwong Y.L., Liang R.H.S. and Chan E.Y.T., Association of the HLA A2-B46-DR9 haplotype with autoimmune thyroid dysfunction after bone marrow transplantation in Chinese patients, British Journal of Haematology. 2001, 115: 660-663.
Au W.Y., Ma E.S.K., Chan L.C., So C.K.C., Fung L.F. and Shek T.W.H., Chromosome 11q deletion in myeloid malignancies, Leukemia and Lymphoma. 2002, 16: 953-955.
Au W.Y., Chan H.H.L., Wong W.M., Shek T.W.H. and Yeung C.K., Cutaneous CD 30-ve T cell lymphoma with concurrent solid tumor, British Journal of Dermatology. 2002, 146: 1091-1095.
Au W.Y., Ma E.S.K. and Kwong Y.L., Disseminated hepatosplenic mycobacterial infection masking myeloproliferative diseases as leukemoid reaction: a diagnostic pitfall, Leukemia and Lymphoma. 2001, 42(4): 805-808.
Au W.Y., Lo C.M., Hawkins B.R., Ma E.S.K., Lie A.K.W. and Kwong Y.L., Evans' syndrome complicating chronic graft versus host disease after cadaveric liver transplantation, Transplantation. 2001, 72(3): 527-528.
Au W.Y., Chan G.C.F., Chim J.C.S., Shek T.W.H., Ooi C.G.C., Ho W.K. and Kwong Y.L., External auditory canal tumor: a rare chloroma in acute promyelocytic leukemia with a complete response to arsenic trioxide, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2002, 19: 3993-3995.
Au W.Y., Lie A.K.W., Shek T.W.H., Chan H.H.L. and Yeung C.K., Generalized vitiligo after lymphocyte infusion for relapsed leukemia, British Journal of Dermatology. 2001, 145: 1015-1017.
Au W.Y., Ma E.S.K., Lie A.K.W., Liang R.H.S., Cheng T. and Kwong Y.L., Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2002, 29(5): 399-402.
Au W.Y., Ma E.S.K. and Wong K.K., Hyposplenism after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation., British Journal of Haematology. 2002, 117: 488.
Au W.Y., Kwong Y.L. and Ma E.S.K., Intravenous pentamidine induced megaloblastic anemia, Haematologica. 2002, 87: ECR06.
Au W.Y., Lie A.K.W., Lee C.K., Ma E.S.K., Wan T.S.K., Shek T.W.H., Liang R.H.S. and Kwong Y.L., Late onset post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease of recipient origin following cytogenetic relapse and occult autologous haematopoietic regeneration after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for acute myeloid leukaemia, Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2001, 28(4): 417-419.
Au W.Y., Lo C.M., Liu C.L., Fan S.T. and Lam C.C.K., Life threatening ABO mediated hemolysis after cadaveric orthotopic liver transplantation, Transplantation. 2002, 74: 285-286.
Au W.Y., Kwong Y.L. and Ma E.S.K., Myeloproliferatie disease masquerading as leukemoidreaction secondary to disseminated mycobacterial infection, Leukemia and Lymphoma. 2001, 42: 805-808.
Au W.Y., Ooi C.G.C., Li K.H., Shek T.W.H. and Liang R.H.S., Oncology emergencies: stridor in a patient with myeloma, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2002, 20: 866-867. (Publication No. : 67427)
Au W.Y., Lie A.K.W., Ma E.S.K., Wan T.S.K., Liang R.H.S., Leung A.Y.H. and Kwong Y.L., Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukaemia relapsing as Ph-negative leukaemia after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, British Journal of Haematology. 2001, 114(2): 365-368.
Au W.Y., Ma E.S.K., Wan T.S.K., Man C.W.Y., Kwong Y.L. and Jim M.H., Pulmonary stenosis, demyelination and myelodysplasia with monosomy 7, Leukemia and Lymphoma. 2002, 43: 1509-1511.
Au W.Y., Chan H.H.L., Jones B.M., Ng W.M. and Yeung C.K., Recurrent pyoderma gangrenosum and myelodysplasia, Haematologica. 2001, 86: 32.
Au W.Y., Hawkins B.R., Cheng N., Lie A.K.W., Liang R.H.S. and Kwong Y.L., Risk of haematologic malignancies in HLA B27 carriers, British Journal of Haematology. 2001, 115: 320-322.
Au W.Y., Shek T.W.H., Chan C.F., Chim J.C.S., Kwong Y.L., Ooi C.G.C. and Ho W.K., Unusual sites of involvement by hematologic malignancies: case 3. external auditory canal tumor: a rare chloroma in acute promyelocytic leukemia with a complete response to arsenic trioxide, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2001, 19: 3993-3995.
Beh S.L., Victim of rape - who cares?, Hong Kong Journal of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Midwifery. 2002, 2: 40-44.
Brook F.M., Kinoshita R.E. and Benirschke K., Histology of the ovaries of a bottlenose dolphin, TURSIOPS ADUNCUS, of known reproductive history, Marine Mammal Science. 2002, 18(2): 540-544.
Chan A.S.W., Thorner P.S., Squire J.A. and Zielenska M., Identification of a novel gene NCRMS on chromosome 12q21 with differential expression between rhabdomyosarcoma subtypes, Oncogene. 2002, 21(19): 3029-3037.
Chan G.C.F., Lo G.M.Y.G. and Cheung A.N.Y., A Boy with Dyspepsia and Ascites, Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (New Series). 2002, 7: 49-50.
Chan K.L., Lee M.F., Guan X.Y., Fan S.T. and Ng I.O.L., High-density allelotyping of chromosome 8p in hepatocellular carcinoma and clinicopathologic correlation, Cancer. 2002, 94(12): 3179-3185.
Chan L.C., Nicholls J.M. and Chan Y.S., Improving the quality of cases for problem-based learning (PBL): experience and feedback from Year 1 medical students, University of Hong Kong, Journal of Medical Education. 2002, 6(1): 95-99.
Chan L.C., Lam T.H., Li C.K., Lau Y.L., Li C.K., Yuen H.L., Lee C.W., Ha S.Y., Yuen P.M.P., Leung N.K., Patheal S.L., Greaves M.F. and Alexander F.E., Is the timing of exposure to infection a major determinant of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in Hong Kong?, Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2002, 16: 154-165.
Chan O.O., Chu K.M., Yuen S.T., Leung S.Y., Lam S.K. and Wong J., Synchronus Gastric Adenocarcinoma and MALT Lymphoma in Association with Helicobacter pylori Infection – A Comparison of Cases Reported in the East and the West, American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2001, 96: 1922-4.
Chen X., Cheung S.T., So S., Fan S.T., Barry C., Higgins J., Lai K.M., Ji J., Dudoit S., Ng I.O.L., van de Rijin M., Botstein D. and Brown P.O., Gene expression patterns in human liver cancers, Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2002, 13: 1929-1939.
Cheung B.M.Y., Lo L.F., Lam T.H., Lam K.S.L., Lau C.P., Tam S.C.F., Cheng C.H. and Wat N.M.S., Changes in blood pressure after 6 years in Hong Kong cardiovascular risk factor prevalence survey cohort, Hong Kong Practitioner. 2001, 24:2(Supple): 27.
Cheung B.M.Y., Law C.Y., Tam S.C.F., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Plasma renin activity and aldosterone level in patients with essential hypertension, American Journal of Hypertension. 2002, 15(4): 210A.
Cheung B.M.Y., Law C.Y., Tam S.C.F., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Plasma renin and aldosterone in patients with essential hypertension, Hong Kong Practitioner. 2001, 24:2(Supple): 26.
Cheung B.M.Y., Lo L.F., Lam T.H., Lam K.S.L., Lau C.P., Tam S.C.F., Wat N.M.S., Man Y.B. and Cheng C.H., Six year follow up of the Hong Kong cardiovascular risk factor prevalence survey cohort, Cardiovascular Drugs Therapeutics. 2002, 16(Supple 1): 26-27.
Chim J.C.S. and Ma E.S.K., Acute biphenotypic leukaemia, Haematologica. 2002, 87(1): EIM03.
Chim J.C.S., Loong F. and Chung L.P., Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia involving the Gallbladder, British Journal of Haematology. 2002, 115: 717.
Chim J.C.S., Wong W.M., Nicholls J.M., Chung L.P. and Liang R.H.S., Extramedullary sites of involvement in hematologic malignancies: case 3. Hemorrhagic gastric plasmacytoma as the primary presentation in multiple myeloma, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2002, 20(1): 344-347.
Chim J.C.S., Shek T.W.H., Chung L.P. and Ho J.C.Y., Gut perforation in MALToma of colon, Haematologica. 2002, 87(4): EIM15.Chim J.C.S., Lam C.C.K. and Chan T.K., Hemighost cell in acute hepatitis A., American Journal of Medicine. 2001, 111: 81-82.
Chim J.C.S., Au W.Y., Liang R.H.S., Kwong Y.L., Shek T.W.H., Ma E.S.K., Ho J.C.C. and Tung H.M., Primary CD56 positive lymphomas of the fastrointestinal tract, Cancer. 2001, 91: 523-533.
Chim J.C.S., Liang R.H.S., Loong F. and Chung L.P., Primary MALT lymphoma of the Gallbladder, American Journal of Medicine. 2002, 112(6): 151-157.
Davies H., Bignell G.R., Cox C., Stephens P., Edkins S., Clegg S., Teague J., Woffendin H., Garnett M.J., Bottomley W., Davis N., Dicks E., Ewing R., Floyd Y., Gray K., Hall S., Hawes R., Hughes J., Kosmidou V., Menzies A., Mould C., Parker A., Stevens C., Watt S., Hooper S., Wilson R., Jayatilake H., Gusterson B.A., Cooper C., Shipley J., Hargrave D., Pritchard-Jones K., Maitland N., Chenevix-Trench G., Riggins G.J., Bigner D.D., Palmieri G., Cossu A., Flanagan A., Nicholson A., Ho J.W.C., Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Weber B.L., Seigler H.F., Darrow T.L., Paterson H., Marais R., Marshall C.J., Wooster R., Stratton M.R. and Futreal P.A., Mutations of the BRAF gene in human cancer, Nature. 2002, 417: 949-954.
Esfandiari E., McInnes I.B., Lindop G., Huang F., Field M., Komai-Koma M., Wei X.Q. and Liew F.Y., A proinflammatory role of IL-18 in the development of spontaneous autoimmune disease, The Journal of Immunology. 2001, 167: 5338-5347.
Fan H., Schichman S.A., Swinnen L.J., Nicholls J.M., Eagan P.A., Luther M. and Gulley M.L., Analytic validation of a competitive polymerase chain reaction assay for measuring Epstein-Barr viral load, Diagnostic Molecular Pathology. 2001, 10(4): 255-264.
Fan X.M., Wong B.C.Y., Zhou X.M., Wang W.P., Lin M.C., Kung H., Yuen S.T., Leung S.Y. and Lam S.K., Inhibition of proteasome function induced apoptosis in gastric cancer cells, International Journal of Cancer. 2001, 93(4): 481-8.
Ho D.W.Y., Lam D.K., Chen Y.B., To J.Y.T., Ng I.O.L. and Fan S.T., Galactosamine-induced fulminant liver failure - observation in a porcine model, Asian Journal of Surgery. 2002, 25: 73-79.
Ho P.L., Cheung K.M., Kinoshita R.E., Tse C.W.S., Yuen K.Y. and Chau P.Y., Activity of five fluoroquinolones against 71 isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2002, 49: 1039-1046.
Hu Y., Lam K.Y., Law S.Y.K., Wan T.S.K., Ma E.S.K., Kwong Y.L., Chan L.C., Wong J. and Srivastava G., Establishment, characterization, karyotyping, and comparative genomic hybridization analysis of HKESC-2 and HKESC-3: two newly established human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines, Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 2002, 135: 120-127.
Hu Y., Lam A.K.Y., Law S., Wong J. and Srivastava G., Identification of differentially expressed genes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) by cDNA expression array: overexpression of Fra-1, Neogenin, Id-1, and CDC25B genes in ESCC, Clinical Cancer Research. 2001, 7: 2213-2221.
Hu Y.C., Lam A.K.Y., Law S., Wong J. and Srivastava G., Profiling of differentially expressed cancer-related genes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) using human cancer cDNA arrays: overexpression of oncogene MET correlates with tumor differentiation in ESCC, Clinical Cancer Research. 2001, 7: 3519-3525.
Huang F., Farquhar C.F., Mabbott N.A., Bruce M.E. and MacPherson G.G., Migrating intestinal dendritic cells transport PrPSc from the gut, Journal of General Virology. 2002, 83(1): 267-271.
Jokelaine K., Reinke L.A. and Nanji A.A., NF-KB activation is associated with free radical generation and endotoxemia and precedes pathological liver injury in experimental alcoholic liver disease, Cytokine. 2001, 16(1): 36-39.
Khong P.L., Chan G.C.F., Shek T.W.H., Tam P.K.H. and Chan F.L., Imaging of peripheral PNET: common and uncommon locations, Clinical Radiology. 2002, 57: 272-277.
Khoo U.S., Chan Y.K., Cheung A.N.Y., Xue W., Shen D.H., Fung K.Y., Ngan H.Y.S., Choy K.W., Pang C.P., Poon C.S.P., Poon A.Y.A. and Ozcelik H., Recurrent BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline mutations in ovarian cancer: a founder mutation of BRCA1 identified in the Chinese population, Human Mutation. 2002, 19(3): 307-308.
Kinoshita R.E. and Higgins D.A., Melioidosis in captive marine mammals and birds, Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association . 2001, 54(9): 748-750.
Kung A.W.C., Chau M.T., Lao T.T., Tam S.C.F. and Low L.C.K., The effect of pregnancy on thyroid nodule formation, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2002, 87: 1010-1014.
Lai F.M.M., To K.F., Choi P.C., Leung P.C., Kumta S.M., Yuen P.P., Lam W.Y., Cheung A.N.Y. and Allen P.W., Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma: five patients with cutaneous lesion and long follow-up, Modern Pathology. 2001, 14(11): 1087-1092.
Lam A.K.Y. and Lo C.Y., Adrenal lipomatous tumours: a 30 year clinicopathological experience at a single institution, Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2001, 54: 707-712.
Lam B., Lam W.K., Lam C.L., Ooi C.G.C., Ho J.C.M., Wong M.P. and Tsang K.W.T., Adenocarcinoma of the lung in Chinese patients: a revisit and some perspectives from the literature, Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2001, 77(913): 708-712.
Lam C.L., Lam W.K., Wong Y., Ooi C.G.C., Wong M.P., Ho J.C.M., Lam B. and Tsang K.W.T., Pulmonary cryptococcosis : a case report and review of the Asian-Pacific experience, Respirology. 2001, 6: 351-355.
Lam K.Y., Lo C.Y., Shek T.W.H., Ma E.S.K., Au W.Y. and Chan G.C.F., Primitive small round cell tumour of the adrenal gland presenting with fever of unknown origin and t(12;22) (q13;q12) cytogenetic finding, Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2002, 54: 966-970.
Lam K.Y., Lo C.Y., Wat N.M.S. and Lam K.S.L., The clinicopathological features and significance of p53, Rb and mdm 2 expression in shaochomocytomas and paroganglcomes, Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2001, 54: 443-448.
Lam Y.H., Tang M.H.Y. and Shek T.W.H., Thermocoagulation of fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma, Prenatal Diagnosis. 2002, 22: 99-101.
Lau G., Suri D., Liang R.H.S., Rigoponlon E.I., Thomas M.G., Mullerova, Yuen S.T., Williams R. and Naoumov N.V., Adoptive transfer of immunity to hepatitis B virus nucleocapsid protein terminates chronic HBV infection., Gastroenterology. 2002, 122: 614-624.
Lau G., Leung A.Y.H., Au W.Y., Kwong Y.L., Lie A.K.W., Liang R.H.S., Hou J., Nanji A.A. and Fong D.Y.T., High HBV DNA viral load is the most significant risk factor for hepatitis B reactiation in hepatitis B surface antign positive patients treated with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Blood. 2002, 99: 2324-2330.
Lau G., Suri D., Liang R.H.S., Rigopoulou E.I., Thomas M.G., Mullerova I., Nanji A.A., Yuen S.T., Williams R. and Naoumov N.V., Resolution of chronic hepatitis B and anti-HBs seroconversion in humans by adoptive transfer of immunity to hepatitis B core antigen, Gastroenterology. 2002, 122(3): 614-624.
Lau G., Nanji A.A., Hou J., Fong D.Y.T., Au W.S., Yuen S.T. and Lin M.C., Thymosin-a1 and famciclovir combination therapy activates T-cell response in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in immune-tolerant phase, Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2002, 9: 280-287.
Lau G.K.K., Leung A.Y.H., Fong D.Y.T., Au W.Y., Kwong Y.L., Lie A.K.W., Hou J.L., Wen Y.M., Nanji A.A. and Liang R.H.S., High hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA viral load as the most important risk factor for HBV reactivation in patients positive for HBV surface antigen undergoing autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation, Blood. 2002, 99: 2324-2330.
Lee K.W., Lau T.C.M. and Ng I.O.L., Doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and chemosensitivity in hepatoma cell lines, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 2002, 49: 78-86.
Lee T.K.W., Han J.S., Fan S.T., Liang Z.D., Tian P.K., Gu J.R. and Ng I.O.L., Gene delivery using a receptor-mediated gene transfer system targeted to hepatocellular carcinoma cells, International Journal of Cancer. 2001, 93: 393-400.
Leung T.W., Cheung A.N.Y., Cheng D.K.L., Wong R.L.C. and Ngan H.Y.S., Expressions of c-erbB-2, epidermal growth factor receptor and pan-ras proto-oncogenes in adenocarcinoma of the cervix: Correlation with clinical prognosis, Oncology Reports. 2001, 8: 1159-1164.
Li H.W., Tsao G.S.W. and Cheung A.N.Y., Current understandings of the molecular genetics of gestational trophoblastic diseases, Placenta. 2002, 23: 20-31.
Liu A., Chen L., Ngan H.Y.S., Khoo U.S., Zhao Y. and Cheung A.N.Y., Apoptotic and proliferative activity in ovarian benign, borderline and malignant tumors, Chinese Medical Sciences Journal . 2002, 17(2): 106-111.
Liu C.L., Fan S.T., Lo C.M., Ng I.O.L. and Wong J., Hepatic resection for mixed hepatocholangicocarcinoma (Abstract), Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery. 2002, 9 (Suppl 1): 154.
Liu C.L., Fan S.T., Lo C.M., Ng I.O.L., Poon R.T.P. and Wong J., Intraoperative iatrogenic rupture of hepatocellular carcinoma, World Journal of Surgery. 2002, 26: 348-352.
Liu S., Tsang B.K., Cheung A.N.Y., Xue W., Cheng D.K.L., Ng T.Y., Wong R.L.C. and Ngan H.Y.S., Anti-apoptotic proteins, apoptotic and proliferative parameters and their prognostic significance in cervical carcinoma, European Journal of Cancer. 2001, 37: 1104-1110.
Liu V.W.S., Shi H.H., Cheung A.N.Y., Chiu P.M., Leung T.W., Nagley P., Wong R.L.C. and Ngan H.Y.S., High incidence of somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations in human ovarian carcinomas, Cancer Research. 2001, 61: 5998-6001.
Ma E.S.K., Lee A.C.W., Chan A.Y.Y. and Chan L.C., A novel A ATAAA--> C ATAAA mutation at the polyadenylation site of the b-globin gene, British Journal of Haematology. 2001, 115(1): 230-231.
Ma E.S.K., Wan T.S.K., Au W.Y., Fung L.F., So C.K.C. and Chan L.C., Chromosome 11q deletion in myeloid malignancies, Leukemia. 2001, 16: 953-955.
Ma E.S.K., Chan A.Y.Y., Chiu E.K.W. and Chan L.C., Haemoglobin H disease due to (--SEA) a-globin gene deletion and a2-codon 30 (DGAG) mutation: a family study, Clinical and Laboratory Haematology. 2001, 23(5): 325-327.
Ma E.S.K., Chow E.Y.D., Chan A.Y.Y., Chu C.M., Lin S.Y. and Chan L.C., Low affinity and unstable hemoglobin variant caused by AAC->ATC (Asn->Ile) mutation at codon 108 of the b-globin gene, Haematologica. 2002, 87(5): 553-554.
Ma E.S.K., Chan Y.Y.A., Ha S.Y., Lau Y.L. and Chan L.C., Thalassaemia screening based on red cell indices in the Chinese, Haematologica. 2001, 86: 1310-1311.
Ma E.S.K., Chan L.C., Ha S.Y., Chan G.C.F., Chan A.Y. and Au W.Y., The (--SEA) alpha- thalassemia deletion ameliorates the clinical phenotype of beta Zero/beta plus thalassaemia but no necessarily beta zero/beta zero thalassaemia, Haematologica. 2002, 87: 4333-444.
Ma E.S.K., Chan A.Y.Y., Ha S.Y., Chan G.C.F., Au W.Y. and Chan L.C., The (--SEA) a-thalassemia (SEA) deletion ameliorates the clinical phenotype of b0 / b+ but not necessarily that of b0 / b0 thalassemia, Haematologica. 2001, 87(4): 443-444.
Ma Z., Morris S.W., Valentine V., Li M., Herbrick J., Cui X., Bouman D., Li Y., Mehta P.K., Nizetic D., Kaneko Y., Chan G.C.F., Chan L.C., Squire J., Scherer S.W. and Hitzler J.K., Fusion of two novel genes, RBM15 and MKL1, in the t(1;22)(p13;q13) of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, Nature Genetics. 2001, 28: 220-221.
Man K., Liang T.B., Lo C.M., Liu C.L., Ng I.O.L., Yu W.C. and Fan S.T., Hepatic stress gene expression and ultrastructural features under intermittent pringle manoeuvre, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases International. 2002, 1(2): 249-257.
Nanji A.A., Jokelainen K., Lau G., Rahemtulla A., Tipoe G.L., Polavarapu R. and Lalani E.N., Arginine reverses ethanol-induced inflammatory and fibrotic changes in liver despite continued ethanol administration, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2001, 299(3): 832-839.
Nanji A.A., Jokelainen K., Tipoe G.L., Rahemtulla A. and Dannenberg A.J., Dietary saturated fatty acids reverse inflammatory and fibrotic changes in rat liver despite continued ethanol administration, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2001, 299(2): 638-644.
Nanji A.A., Jokelainen K., Fotouhinia M., Rahemtulla A., Thomas P., Tipoe G.L., Su G.L. and Dannenberg A.J., Increased severity of alcoholic liver injury in female rats: role of oxidative stress, endotoxin, and chemokines, American Journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 2001, 281(6): 1348-1356.
Nanji A.A., Lau G., Tipoe G.L., Yuen S.T., Chen Y.X., Thomas P. and Lan H.Y., Macrophage migration inhibitory factor expression in male and female ethanol-fed rats, Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research. 2001, 21(12): 1055-1062.
Nanji A.A., SU G.L., Laposata M. and French S.W., Pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease-recent advances, Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 2002, 26(5): 731-736.
Nanji A.A., Role of Kupffer cells in alcoholic hepatitis, Alcohol. 2002, 27(1): 13-15.
Ng I.O.L., Poon R.T.P., Shek T.W.H. and Fan S.T., Clinicopathologic and prognostic significance of the histologic activity of noncancerous liver tissue in hepatitis B virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma, American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2002, 117: 411-418.
Ng I.O.L., Poon R.T.P. and Shek T.W., Histological activity in the noncancerous liver in patients with hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma - clinicopathological correlation and survival analysis, Hepatology. Part 2, Suppl. S, 2001, 34 (4): 26.
Ng I.O.L., Poon R.T.P., Lee M.F., Fan S.T., Ng M.M.T. and Tso W.K., Microvessel density, vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors Flt-1 and Flk-1/KDR in hepatocellular carcinoma, American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2001, 116: 838-845.
Ng J.K.F., Lam C.C.K. and Chan L.C., In vivo effect of haemodilution with saline on coagulation: a randomised controlled trial, British Journal of Anaesthesia. UK, 2002, 88: 475-480.
Ngan H.Y.S., Cheung A.N.Y., Liu S., Liu K.L. and Tsao G.S.W., Telomerase assay and HPV 16/18 typing as adjunct to conventional cytological cervical cancer screening, Tumor Biology. 2002, 23: 87-92.
Nicholls J.M., Kremmer E., Meseda C.A., Mackett M., Hahn P., Gulley M.L., Brink A., Swinnen L.J., Greenspan J., De Souza Y., Grasser F., Sham J.S.T., Ng M.H. and Arrand J.R., Comparative analysis of the expression of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) anti-apoptotic gene BHRF1 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and EBV-related lymphoid diseases, Journal of Medical Virology. 2001, 65(1): 105-113.
Ooi C.G.C., Khong P.L., Lam W.K., Trendell-Smith N.J. and Tsang K.W.T., Pulmonary iron overload in thalassemia major presenting as small airway disease, Acta Haematologica. 2002, 108: 43-46.
Poon R.T.P., Ng I.O.L., Lau C., Yu W.C., Fan S.T. and Wong J., Correlation of serum basic fibroblast growth factor levels with clinicopathologic features and postoperative recurrence in hepatocellular carcinoma, American Journal of Surgery. 2001, 182(3): 298-304.
Poon R.T.P., Fan S.T., Lo C.M., Liu C.L., Ng I.O.L. and Wong J., Long-term prognosis after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with hepatitis B-related cirrhosis (Classic paper and current comments: highlights of gastrointestinal cancer research), Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2002, 6: 780-788.
Poon R.T.P., Ng I.O.L., Lau C., Yu W.C., Yang Z.F., Fan S.T. and Wong J., Tumor microvessel density as a predictor of recurrence after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective study, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2002, 20: 1775-1785.
Qin L., Lee K.W. and Ng I.O.L., Gene expression profiling by cDNA array in human hepatoma cell line in response to cisplatin treatment, Life Sciences. 2002, 70(14): 1677-1690.
Qin L.F. and Ng I.O.L., Expression of p27KIP1 and p21WAF1/CIP1 in primary hepatocellular carcinoma: clinicopathologic correlation and survival analysis, Human Pathology. 2001, 32(8): 778-784.
Qin L.F. and Ng I.O.L., Induction of apoptosis by cisplatin and its effect on cell cycle-related proteins and cell cycle changes in hepatoma cells, Cancer Letters. 2002, 175(1): 27-38.
Shek T.W.H., Chan G.C.F., Khong P.L., Chung L.P. and Cheung A.N.Y., Ewing Sarcoma of the Small Intestine, Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2001, 23(8): 530-532.
Shen D.H., Hui Y.Z., Ma H.F., Yu Y.Z., Zhang Y.X. and Cheung A.N.Y., Primary peritoneal carcinomas of females: Clinicopathologic analysis and immunohistochemical study of 11 cases, Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences). 2001, 33(5): 435-437.
Tan K.C.B., Chow W.S., Tam S.C.F., Ai V.H.G., Lam C.H.L. and Lam K.S.L., Atorvastatin lowers C-reactive protein and improves endothelium-dependent vasodilation in type 2 diabetes mellitus, Journal of Clinical Endocrinolog and Metabolism. 2002, 87: 563-568.
Wan T.S.K., Ma E.S.K., Ho M.Y., Chan L.C., Yip S.F., Wong L.G. and Yeung Y.M., Cytogenetic biclonality in polycythemia vera: unusual and unrelated clones, Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 2001, 131(1): 86-89.
Wan T.S.K., Yip S.F., Yeung Y.M., Chan L.C. and Ma E.S.K., Fatal diffuse alveolar damage complicating acute myeloid leukemia with abnormal eosinophils and trisomy X, Annals of Hematology. 2002, 81: 167-169.
Wang X., Khoo U.S., Xue W. and Cheung A.N.Y., Cervical and peritoneal fluid cytology of uterine sarcomas, Acta Cytologica. 2002, 46(3): 465-469.
Wei W.I., Ho W.K., Cheng C.K., Wu X., Li G., Nicholls J.M., Yuen P.W. and Sham J.S.T., Management of extensive cervical nodal metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy: a clinicopathological study, Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 2001, 127(12): 1457-1462.
Wong C.M., Fan S.T. and Ng I.O.L., b-Catenin mutation and overexpression in hepatocelluar carcinoma - clinicopathological and prognostic significance, Cancer. 2001, 92(1): 136-145.
Wong B.C.Y., Lam S.K., Wong W.M., Zheng T., Chen J.S., Chen B.W., Lai K.C., Yuen S.T. and Ho J.C.Y., Eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection in general population prevents gastric cancer: 1 7 year prospective randomized placebo-controlled study, Gstroenterology. 2002, 122 (4 suppl 1): A588.
Wong B.C.Y., Lam S.K., Wong W.M., Feng R.E., Zheng T., Yuen S.T., Ho J.C.Y., Leung S.Y., Chen J.S. and Lai K.C., Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection significantly slows down the progression of precancerous lesions in high risk population: a 5-year prospective randomized study, Gastroenterology. 2002, 122 (4 suppl 1): A588.
Wong S.C.C., Lo S.F.E., Lee K.C., Yam J.W.P., Chan J.K.C. and Hsiao W.W.L., Expression of frizzled-related protein and Wnt-signalling molecules in invasive human breast tumours, Journal of Pathology. 2002, 196: 145-153.
Wong W.M., Wong B.C.Y., Tang V.S., Lai K.C., Yuen S.T., Leung S.Y. and Hu H.C., An evaluation of the PyloriTek test for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in Chinese patients before and after eradication therapy, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2001, 16(9): 976-980.
Xia H.H.X., Wong B.C.Y., Huang X.R., He X.X., Wong W.M., Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Lan H.Y. and Lam S.K., Expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in Helicobacter pylori induced gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, The Hong Kong Practitioner. 2002, 24 (2 suppl): 41.
Xue W., Guan X.Y., Ngan H.Y.S., Shen D.H., Khoo U.S. and Cheung A.N.Y., Malignant placental site trophoblastic tumor: a cytogenetic study using comparative genomic hybridization and chromosome in situ hybridization, Cancer. 2002, 94(8): 2288-2294.
Yagi Y., Kuwahara M., Nanji A.A., Birumachi J., Nishibata R., Mikami H. and Tsubone H., The difference in citric acid-induced cough in congenitally bronchial-hypersensitive (BHS) and bronchial-hyposensitive (BHR) guinea pigs, Experimental Animals. 2001, 50(5): 371-378.
Yuen M.F., Chan D.T.M., Hui C.K., Chan O.O., Ng I.O.L. and Lai C.L., Acute pancreatitis complicating acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B infection carries a poor prognosis, Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2001, 8: 459-464.
Yusoff N.M., Abdullah W.Z., Ghazali S., Othman M.S., Baba A.A., Abdullah N., Isa M.N. and Chan L.C., The absence of factor V Leiden mutation in Malays with recurrent spontaneous abortions, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2002, 42(20): 164-166.
Zhou X., Ha S.Y., Chan G.C.F., Luk C.W., Chan V.N.Y., Hawkins B.R., Lam Y.H., Liang R.H.S. and Lau Y.L., Successful mismatched sibling cord blood transplant in Hb Bart's disease, Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2001, 28: 105-107
Invited conference paper
Au W.Y., Liang R.H.S., Lie A.K.W., Chim J.C.S., Ma E.S.K., Chan C.H., Mak Y.K., Chen Y.T., So J.C.C., Yeung Y.M., Yip S.F., Wong L.G., Chan J.C., Liu H.S. and Kwong Y.L., Arsenic salvage is superior to chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation for relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia: Tens years of experience from Hong Kong, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of the European Haematology Association, Florence, Italy, 6-9 June 2002. 99–102.
Beh S.L., Rape - why are victims not reporting?, Presented at the 2nd Annual Symposium of Crime and its Control in Greater China Conference, Hong Kong, October. 2001.
Beh S.L., Sexual harassment on-line, Proceedings of the 6th World Police Medical Officers Conference in Sydney, Australia, March. 2002.
Beh S.L., Liang A., Daldrup T. and Rickert A., Toxicological analysis of hair in drug deaths - a pilot study, International Joint Congress - Challenges and Opportunities in Pathology, Hong Kong, October. 2001.
Chan Y.K., Cheung A.N.Y., Ozcelik H., Ngan H.Y.S. and Khoo U.S., Differential expression and methylation patterns of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in sporadic ovarian cancers, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, USA. 2002.
Chan Y.K., Ozcelik H., Ngan H.Y.S., Cheung A.N.Y. and Khoo U.S., Epigenetic factors controlling the BRCA genes in sporadic ovarian cancer, Proceeding of the 8th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong. 2001.
Cheung A.N.Y., Chiu P.M., Ngan H.Y.S., Khoo U.S. and Liu V.W.S., Genetic alterations of mitochondria DNA in hydatidiform mole, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, USA. 2002.
Cheung A.N.Y., Szeto E.F., Ng K.M., Fong K.W., Ang Chan E.Y. and Ng W.Y., Outcome of women diagnosed to have atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) on cervical smears of a screening population, Proceedings of the XI World Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy held in Barcelona, Spain, June 2002.
Cheung S.T., Chen X., Guan X.Y., Wong S.Y., Tai L.S., Ng I.O.L., So S., Brown P. and Fan S.T., Identification of metastasis-associated genes in liver cancer, American Association for Cancer Research, New Orleans, USA, March. 2002.
Chiu P.M., Liu V.W.S., Ngan H.Y.S., Khoo U.S. and Cheung A.N.Y., Mitochondria DNA mutations in hydatidiform mole, Proceedings of the 8th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong. 2001.
Fung K.L., Au W.Y., Liang R.H.S., Srivastava G. and Kwong Y.L., Aberrant methylation of gene promoters in lymphoma., 8th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress.. 2001.
Ha S.Y., Chan G.C.F., Ma E.S.K., Kwong Y.L., Liang R.H.S. and Lau Y.L., Treatment outcome and chimerism status after cord blood or bone marrow transplant in transfusion dependent thalassaemia patients., Annual meeting of European Bone Marrow Transplant Registry.. 2002, 561.
Ho J.C.M., Lam C.L., Ip S., Wong M.P., Lam W.K. and Tsang K.W.T., Exhaled nitric oxide predicts lung function but not quality of life in subjects with non-small cell lung cancer, Medical Research Conference, University Department of Medicine, Hong Kong, 2002. The Hong Kong Practitioner. 2002, 24 (2): 57 (C-RC-7).
Huang F., Dendritic cells, antigen transport and the oral transmission of prions, Proceedings of the Conference in Dokkyo University, Japan, 2 April 2002.
Huang F., Farquhar C.F., Mabbott N.A., Bruce M.E. and MacPherson G.G., Migrating intestinal dendritic cells transport PrPSc from the gut, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific International Congress of Anatomists, Hamamatsu, Japan, 29 March - 1 April 2002.
Khoo U.S., Genetic screening in Hong Kong, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium and Workshop - Breast Cancer Management in the 21st Century, Hong Kong. 2001.
Khoo U.S., Chan Y.K., Fong C.W.K., Poon A.Y.A., Wang X. and Cheung A.N.Y., Loss of heterozygosity in the region of the p53 gene in phyllodes tumor of the breast, Proceedings of the International Joint Congress – Challenges and Opportunities in Pathology, Hong Kong. 2001.
Khoo U.S., Chan Y.K., Lai T.W., Yip S.P., Ko H.H. and Cheung A.N.Y., Population-based case-control study of HER2 genetic polymorphism in ovarian cancer, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, USA. 2002.
Lai C.Y.L., Chan Y.K., Xue W., Khoo U.S. and Cheung A.N.Y., Diagnosis of hydatidiform mole by genotyping and chromosome in situ hybridization, Proceedings of the International Joint Congress – Challenges and Opportunities in Pathology, Hong Kong. 2001.
Lam C.L., Lam W.K., Wong M.P., Chung L.P., Ip M.S.M., Tsang K.W.T., Chau W.S., Suen W.S. and Chiu S.W., Establishment and application of primary lung cancer cell lines (The HKULC Series) with local Chinese characteristics in Hong Kong, Joint Annual Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong Thoracic Society, Chinese Thoracic Society and American College of Chest Physicians, Hong Kong. 2002. Abstract pp.26.
Lam C.L., Lam W.K., Wong M.P., Chung L.P., Chiu S.W. and Chau W.S., Establishment of HKU lung cancer lines in Hong Kong - an ongoing conjoint effort and progress report, Medical Research Conference, University Department of Medicine, Hong Kong, 2002. The Hong Kong Practitioner. 2002, 24 (2): 55 (C-RC-2).
Lam C.L., Lam W.K., Wong M.P., Chung L.P., Chiu S.W., Chau W.S. and Ho K.K., Promotor hypermethylation of the CpG Islands of human Ras Association Domain Family 1A gene (RASSF1A) in adenocarcinoma of lung in Hong Kong Chinese - a comparison between smokers and non-smokers, Medical Research Conference, University Department of Medicine, Hong Kong, 2002. The Hong Kong Practitioner. 2002, 24 (2): 54 (C-RC-1).
Lam E.B.S., Cheung A.N.Y., Man M., Fung F., Chan Y.K. and Khoo U.S., Genetic study of borderline and invasive ovarian cancer, Proceeding of the 8th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong. 2001.
Lam T.H., Khoo U.S., Chan Y.S., Cheng Y.H. and Chan Y.L., How effective is the First Year transitional course in the revised medical curriculum at the University of Hong Kong?, Proceedings of the 7th Medical Research Conference, Hong Kong. 2001.
Lie A.K.W., Au W.Y., Ma E.S.K., Wan T.S.K., Liang R.H.S. and Kwong Y.L., Tynsine kinase inhibitor ST1571 in teaching Philadelphia chromosome positive leukemic relapsing from myeloablastive allogeneic., 43rd Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology, Orlando, USA.. 2001.
Ma E.S.K., Li Y.H., Wan T.S.K., Au W.Y., Fung L.F., Leung A.Y.H., Lie A.K.W. and Chan L.C., Telomere shortening in blood leucocytes after bone marrow transplantation is mainly contributed by the T-suppressor compartment, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of the European Haematology Association, Florence, Italy, 6-9 June 2002. 1–7.
Saing H., Fan S.T., Tam P.K.H., Lo C.M., Wei W.I., Chan K.L., Tsoi N.S., Yuen K.Y., Ng I.O.L., Chau M.T., Tso H.W.K. and Wong J., Surgical complications and outcome in pediatric liver transplantation in Hong Kong, 35th Annual meeting of Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons, La Jolla, California, USA, May. 2002.
Wang X., Xue W., Khoo U.S. and Cheung A.N.Y., Sarcomas and steroid receptors: a clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study, Proceedings of the International Joint Congress – Challenges and Opportunities in Pathology, Hong Kong. 2001.
Wong M.P., Chung P.L., Lam W.K., Chiu S.W. and Fu K.H., Allelic imbalance in chromosomes 3, 9 and 17 in lung cancers of non-smokers in Hong Kong, Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2001, 42: 633(#3404).
Wong M.P., Chung L.P., Lam W.K., Chiu S.W. and Fu K.H., Allelic imbalance in lung cancers of non-smokers in Hong Kong, Oncogenomics Conference of the American Association for Cancer Research, Tucson, USA. 2001, Proceedings 2001: 48.
Xue W., Tsao G.S.W., Chan Y.K., Chiu P.M., Ngan H.Y.S. and Cheung A.N.Y., Expression and methylation studies of cadherins in gestational trophoblastic disease, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, USA, 2002.
Refereed Conference Paper
Au W.Y., Liang R.H.S., Lie A.K.W., Chim J.C.S., Ma E.S.K., Chan C.H., Mak Y.K., Chen Y.T., So J.C.C., Yeung Y.M., Yip S.F., Wong L.G., Chan J.C., Liu H.S. and Kwong Y.L., Arsenic salvage is superior to chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation for relapsed acute promyelocytic leukaemia: ten years of experience from Hong Kong, Proceedings of the 6th Joint Shanghai-Hong Kong Haematology Meeting. The Hong Kong Society of Haematology and The Hong Kong Association of Blood Transfusion and Haematology, The Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel, 31 March 2002.
Beh S.L., A good problem-based tutor - how do we know?, Presented at the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Problem-Based Learning in Health Sciences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October. 2001.
Beh S.L., Death due to human bites and other short stories, Presented at the 7th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Science in Melbourne, Australia, September. 2001.
Beh S.L., Domestic rape, Presented at the 7th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Science, Melbourne, Australia, September. 2001.
Beh S.L., Problem-Based Learning - An exciting way to learn forensic medicine, 7th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Science in Melbourne, Australia, September. 2001.
Broadhurst R.G., Beh S.L. and Chan C.Y., Homicide-Suicide in Hong Kong: A Preliminary Analysis of the Homicide Monitoring Data Base, 6th World Congress of Police Medical Officers, Sydney, March 17-21. 2002, Abstracts.
Chan C.Y., Beh S.L. and Broadhurst R.G., Homicide-suicide in Hong Kong, 1989-1997: a preliminary analysis, The 6th World Police Medical Officers Conference in Sydney, Australia, March. 2002.
Chan K.L., Fan S.T., Saing H., Wei W.I., Lo C.M., Tso W.K., Yuen K.Y., Ng I.O.L., Tam P.K.H. and Wong J., Paediatric liver transplantation for biliary atresia after failed portoenterostomy, 23rd International Congress of Pediatrics, Beijing, China, 9-14 September, 2001.
Chan K.L., Chan G.C.F., Shek T.W.H., Li I., Ha S.Y. and Tam P.K.H., Perinatal tumours: diagnosis & results of treatment, 23rd International Congress of Pediatrics, Chinese Medical Association, Beijing, PR China, 9-14 September 2001. 111.
Chan T.L., Leung S.Y., Ho J.W.C., Chan A.S.Y., Lam P.W.Y., Tse C.W., Lee K.C., Gwi E. and Yuen S.T., A founder mutation of hMSH2 in Chinese with early-onset colorectal cancer, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, USA, 4-6 April. 2002.
Chan T.L., Yuen S.T., Ho J.W.C., Chan A.S.Y., Kwan K.Y.M., Ho S.H., Chung L.P. and Leung S.Y., A novel germline hMLH1 mutation is a founder mutation in Chinese population, Proceedings of the AACR International Conference Seoul 2001, Seoul, Korea, 10-14 September 2001.
Cheung B.M.Y., Lo L.F., Lam T.H., Lam K.S.L., Lau C.P., Tam S.C.F., Wat N.M.S., Man Y.B. and Cheng C.H., Follow up of the Hong Kong cardiovascular risk factor prevalence survey cohort, J HK Coll Cardiol. 2002, 10 (Supple): 129.
Chow W.S., Tan K.C.B., Tam S.C.F., Ai V.H.G., Lam C.H.L. and Lam K.S.L., Inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, 2nd International Huaxia Congress of Endocrinology. Hong Kong December, 2001. HK.
Ha S.Y., Chan G.C.F., Ma E.S.K., Liang R.H.S., Kwong Y. and Lau Y.L., Treatment outcome and chimerism status after cord blood or bone marrow transplant in transfusion-dependent thalassaemia patients, 28th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Montreux, Switzerland, 24-27 March 2002.
Leung S.Y., Chen X., Chu K.M., Yuen S.T., Chan A.S.Y., Li R., Ji J., So S. and Brown P.O., Expression profiling of gastric cancer using cDNA microarrays, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, USA, March. 2002.
Li Y.H., Wan T.S.K., Chan L.C., Fung L.F., Lie A.K.W., Au W.Y., Leung A.Y.H., Chan K.L. and Ma E.S.K., Variable telomere shortening in different white cell compartments after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, USA, March 2002.
Lie A.K.W., Au W.Y., Ma E.S.K., Wan T.S.K., Liang R.H.S., Chan E.C. and Kwong Y.L., Tyrosine kinase inhibitor STI571 in the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome positive leukaemia relapsing from myeloablative stem cell transplantation, Proceedings of the 7th Medical Research Conference, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, 26-27 January 2002.
Lin M.C., Deng Y.C., Liu X., Wang J., Leung S.Y., Kung H. and Yao L., Characterization of the N-myc downstream regulated gene 2 in human glioblastoma, Dissecting cancer through genome research. May 2002, Dublin, Ireland. Oncogenomics. 2002.
Liu C.L., Fan S.T., Lo C.M., Ng I.O.L. and Wong J., Hepatic resection for combined hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma, 5th World Congress of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Tokyo, 25-29 April, 2002.
Saing H., Fan S.T., Lo C.M., Wei W.I., Chan K.L., Tam P.K.H., Tsoi N.S., Yuen K.Y., Ng I.O.L., Tsoi W.K. and Wong J., Paediatric liver transplantation: experience at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong (1993-2001) (Abstract), 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 23-24 February, 2002.
Shen L., Liang A.C.T., Au W.Y., Liang R.H.S. and Srivastava G., Somatic mutation of Fas gene is a common event in nasal NK/T cell lymphomas. "Lymphoma: the Next Question"., MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas, USA.. 2001.
Tan K.C.B., Chow W.S., Tam S.C.F., Ai V.H.G., Lam C.H.L. and Lam K.S.L., Atorvastatin lowers C-reactive protein and improves endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus, 2nd International Huaxia Congress of Endocrinology. Hong Kong December, 2001. H.
Tan K.C.B., Chow W.S., Wong Y., Shiu S.W.M. and Tam S.C.F., Effects of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist on Plasma C-reactive Protein and Urinary Albumin Excretion in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Microalbuminuria, American Diabetes Association 62nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. San Francisco, June 2002. USA.
Tang S.C.W., Leung J.C.K., Chan K.W., Chan Y.Y., Chan D.T.M. and Lai K.N., Induction of interleukin-8 in human proximal tubule cells: an in vitro and in vivo study. [Abstract presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Oct 10-17, 2001, San Francisco, USA], Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2001, 12: 664A-665A.
Other conference paper
Cheung B.M.Y., Law C.Y., Tam S.C.F., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Plasma renin and aldosterone in patients with essential hypertension, 7th Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Pharmacology Society in Association with the Zhejiang Pharmacological Society, Hong Kong 2001.
Research book or monograph (as author)
Fu M., Lui V.C.H., Cheung A.N.Y., Sham M.H. and Tam P.K.H., Expression of homeobox gene HoxB5 is localized in the ganglia of human fetal and infant guts but not in Hirschsprung's disease gut, The XLVII Annual International Conference of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, London, U.K.. 2001.
Chapter in an edited book (as author)
MacPherson G.G., Huang F. and Liu L.M., Intestinal dendritic cells, Dendritic Cells (2nd edition) - Biology and Clinical Applications. Edited by Lotze MT and Thomson AW. Harcourt International Academic Press, 2001, Chapter 25: 325-336.
MacPherson G.G., Wykes M., Huang F. and Jenkins C., Isolation of dendritic cells from rat intestinal lymph and spleen, Methods in Molecular Medicine: Dendritic Cell Protocols. Edited by Robinson, SP & Stagg, AJ & Totowa, NJ. Humana Press, 2001, Part I, Chapter 4: 64.