Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers (2004 - 2005)
Scholarly books, monographs and chapters
Beh S.L. and Luo B., Death Investigation Systems: China, In: Jason Payne-James, Roger W. Byard, Tracey S. Corey, Carol Henderson, Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Oxford, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005, 2: 120-122.
Beh S.L., Deaths: Trauma, Musculoskeletal System , In: Jason Payne-James, Roger W Byard, Tracey S Corey 7 Carol Henderson, Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine . Oxford, UK, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005, 2: 103-106.
Beh S.L., Sexual Offenses, Adult: Global Crime Figures and Statistics, In: Jason Payne-James, Roger W. Byard, Tracey S. Corey, Carol Henderson, Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Oxford, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005, 4: 111-116.
Journal publications
Abdalla E.K., Pawlik T.M., Poon R.T.P., Zorzi D., Ikai I., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Belghiti J., Ng I.O.L., Yamaoka Y., Lauwers G.Y. and Vauthey J.N., Critical appraisal of the clinical and pathological predictors of survival after resection of large hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract), Asian Journal of Surgery. 2005, 28(Suppl): S87.
Abdalla E.K., Pawlik T.M., Poon R.T.P., Sarmiento J.M., Ikai I., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Belghiti J., Ng I.O.L., Yamaoka Y., Lauwers G.Y. and Vauthey J.N., Hepatitis serology defines tumor and liver disease characteristics but not prognosis after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract), Asian Journal of Surgery. 2005, 28(Suppl): S81.
Ajonuma L.C., Ng E.H.Y., Chow P.H., Hung C.Y., Tsang L.L., Cheung A.N.Y., Brito-Jones C., Lok I.H., Haines C.J. and Chan H.C., Increased cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) expression in the human hydrosalpinx, Human Reproduction. 2005, 20(5): 1228-1234.
Ambekar C.S., Lee J.S.K., Cheung B.M.Y., Chan L.C., Liang R.H.S. and Kumana C.R., Metabolism of Chloramphenicol Succinate, a Competitive Substrate and Inhibitor of Succinate Dehydrogenase: Possible Reason for its Toxicity, Toxicology in Vitro. 2004, 18: 441-7.
Au W.Y., Lie A.K.W., Kung A.W.C., Liang R.H.S., Hawkins B.R. and Kwong Y.L., Autoimmune thyroid dysfunction after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2005, 35(4): 383-8.
Au W.Y., Ma S.Y., Chim J.C.S., Choy C., Loong F., Lie A.K.W., Lam C.C.K., Leung A.Y.H., Tse E.W.C., Yau C.C., Liang R.H.S. and Kwong Y.L., Clinicopathologic features and treatment outcome of mature T-cell and natural killer-cell lymphomas diagnosed according to the World Health Organization classification scheme: a single center experience of 10 years, Annals of Oncology. 2005, 16(2): 206-214.
Au W.Y., Hon C., Cheng V.C.C. and Ma E.S.K., Concomitant zoster myelitis and cerebral leukemia relapse after stem cell transplantation, Annals of Hematology. 2004, 84(1): 59-60.
Au W.Y., Ma E.S.K., Lam V.M.S., Chan L.C., Pang A.W.K. and Kwong Y.L., Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in elderly Chinese women heterozygous for G6PD variants, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 2004, 129A(2): 208 - 211.
Au W.Y., Gascoyne R.D., Klasa R.D., Connors J.M., Gallagher R.P., Le N.D., Loong F., Law C.K. and Liang R.H.S., Incidence and spectrum of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in Chinese migrants to British Columbia, British Journal of Haematology. 2005, 128: 792-196.
Au W.Y., Kwok J.S.Y., Chu K.M. and Ma E.S.K., Life-threatening cryoglobulinemia in HCV negative Southern Chinese and a novel association with structural aortic abnormalities, Annals of Hematology. 2005, 84: 95-98.
Au W.Y., Cheng V.C.C., Wan T.S.K. and Ma E.S.K., Myelodysplasia masquerading as parvovirus-related red cell aplasia with giant pronormoblasts, Annals of Hematology. 2004, 83(10): 670-1.
Au W.Y., Chan C., Pang A., Lie A.K.W., Liang R.H.S., Yuen P.W., Shek T.W.H., Kwong Y.L. and Pang A.W.K., Nonhematologic malignancies after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: incidence and molecular monitoring, Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2004, 34: 981-985.
Au W.Y., Liu C.L., Lo C.M., Fan S.T. and Ma E.S.K., Potential role for platelet apheresis for post-liver transplant thrombocytosis complicating portal vein thrombosis, Journal of Clinical Apheresis. 2004, 19(4): 192-196.
Au W.Y., Mak W., Ho S.L., Leung S.Y. and Kwong Y.L., Reversible paraneoplastic neuropathy associated with T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia, Neurology. 2004, 63(3): 588-589.
Au W.Y., Srivastava G., Wong K.Y., Chung L.P., Ma E.S.K., Wan T.S.K. and Kwong Y.L., Transformation of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma into pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia: clinicopathologic features and clonal relationship, Human Pathology. 2004, 35(7): 900-903.
Au W.Y., Lam P. and Shek T.W.H., Uncommon presentations of some common malignancies: Case 2. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma followed by secondary acute promyelocytic leukemia presenting with respiratory distress, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2005, 23(6): 1314-1315.
Burrows J.M., Bromham L., Woolfit M., Piganeau G., Tellam J., Conolly G., Webb N., Poulsen L., Cooper L., Burrows S., Moss D.J., Haryan S.M., Ng M., Nicholls J.M. and Khanna R., Selection pressure-driven evolution of the Epstein Barr virus encoded oncogene, LMP1, in virus isolates from south-east Asia, Journal of Virology. 2004, 78(13): 7131-7137.
Chan G.S.W., Lam M.F., Au W.Y., Tse K.C., Chan D.T.M., Lai K.N. and Chan K.W., IgA nephropathy complicating graft-versus-host disease, another nephropathy causing nephrotic syndrome after bone marrow transplantation, Histopathology. 2004, 45(6): 648-651.
Chan G.S.W. and Chan K.W., Images in pathology: adventures of pinocchio, International Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2005, 13: 205.
Chan G.S.W., Ng W.K., Nicholls J.M. and Chan K.W., Pathologic quiz case: acute renal failure secondary to an uncommon urinary bladder tumor. Micropapillary transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder, Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2005, 129(2): e53–e54.
Chan K.L., Guan X.Y. and Ng I.O.L., High-throughput tissue microarray analysis of c-myc activation in chronic liver diseases and hepatocellular carcinoma, Human Pathology. 2004, 35(11): 1324-1331.
Chan Q.K.Y., Khoo U.S., Chan Y.K., Ngan H.Y.S., Li S.S., Chiu P.M., Man M.L.S., Ip P.P.C., Xue W. and Cheung A.N.Y., Promoter methylation and differential expression of p-Class glutathione S-transferase in endometrial carcinoma, The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 2005, 7(1): 8-16.
Chan Q.K.Y., Khoo U.S., Ngan H.Y.S., Yang C., Xue W., Chan Y.K., Chiu P.M., Ip P.P.C. and Cheung A.N.Y., Single nucleotide polymorphism of Pi-Class glutathione S-transferase and susceptibility to endometrial carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research. 2005, 11(8): 2981-2985.
Chen J.H., Tipoe G.L., Liong E.C., So H.S.H., Leung K.M., Tom W.M., Fung P.C.W. and Nanji A.A., Green tea polyphenols prevent toxin-induced hepatotoxicity in mice by down-regulating inducible nitric oxide-derived prooxidants, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004, 80: 742-751.
Chen L., Wong M.P., Cheung L.K., Samaranayake L.P., Baum L. and Samman N., Frequent allelic loss of 21q11.1-q21.1 region in advanced stage oral squamous cell carcinoma, Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. 2005, 159: 37-43.
Cheung A.N.Y., Chiu P.M., Tsun O.K.L., Khoo U.S., Leung B.S.Y. and Ngan H.Y.S., Chromosome in situ hybridisation, Ki-67, and telomerase immunocytochemistry in liquid based cervical cytology, Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2004, 57: 721-727.
Cheung B.M.Y., Man Y.B., Wat N.M.S., Lo L.F., Chau F.Y., Lam T.H., Leung G.M., Tam S., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R., Lau C.P. and Lam K.S.L., Prevalence of Hypertension in Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study Cohort, J Hong Kong Coll Cardiol. 2004, 12: 33.
Cheung B.M.Y., Lam T.H., Lam K.S.L., Tam S., Wat N.M.S., Man Y.B., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., The Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Survey Cohort - Results at 7 Years, J Hypertens. 2004, 22 (Suppl 2): S268-269.
Cheung N., So C.W., Yam J.W.P., So C.K.C., Poon R.Y.C., Jin D. and Chan L.C., Subcellular localization of EEN/endophilin A2, a fusion partner gene in leukemia, Biochemical Journal. 2004, 383(Pt 1): 27-35.
Cheung S.T., Leung K.L., Ip Y.C., Chen X., Fong D.Y.T., Ng I.O.L., Fan S.T. and So S., Claudin-10 expression level is associated with recurrence of primary hepatocellular carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research. 2005, 11(2 Pt 1): 551-556.
Cheung S.T., Wong S.Y., Leung K.L., Chen X., So S., Ng I.O.L. and Fan S.T., Granulin-epithelin precursor overexpression promotes growth and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma, Clinical Cancer Research. 2004, 10(22): 7629-7636.
Chim J.C.S., Wong K.Y., Loong F. and Srivastava G., Absence of ATM hypermethylation in mantle cell and follicular lymphoma, Leukemia. 2005, 19(5): 880-2.
Chim J.C.S., Wong S.S.Y., Lam C.C.K. and Chan K.W., Concurrent hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly and quartan malarial nephropathy – Plasmodium malariae revisited, Haematologica. 2004, 89(7): ECR21.
Chim J.C.S., Ma E.S.K., Loong F. and Kwong Y.L., Diagnostic cues for natural killer cell lymphoma: primary nodal presentation and the role of in situ hybridisation for Epstein-Barr virus encoded early small RNA in detecting occult bone marrow involvement, Journal of clinical pathology. 2005, 58(4): 443-5.
Chim J.C.S. and Ma E.S.K., Eosinophilic leukemic transformation in polycythemia rubra vera (PRV), Leukaemia & Lymphoma. 2005, 46(3): 447-50.
Chim J.C.S., Loong F., Ma E.S.K., Cheung W.W.W., Chim J.C.S. and Ooi C.G.C., Extramedullary cardiac plasmacytoma presenting with cardiac tamponade, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2005, 23(13): 3140-3.
Chim J.C.S., Loong F., Leung A.Y.H., Tsang J. and Ooi C.G.C., Primary follicular lymphoma of the small intestine, Leukaemia & Lymphoma. 2004, 45(7): 1463-6.
Chim J.C.S., Ooi C.G.C., Loong F., Au W.Y., Au W.Y. and Lie A.K.W., Side effects and good effects from new chemotherapeutic agents. Bortezomib in primary refractory plasmacytoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2005, 23(10): 2426-8.
Chin K.T., Zhou H., Wong C.M., Lee M.F., Chan C.P., Qiang B.Q., Yuan J.G., Ng I.O.L. and Jin D., The liver-enriched transcription factor CREB-H is a growth suppressor protein underexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma, Nucleic Acids Research. 2005, 33(6): 1859-1873.
Ching Y.P., Chun C.S., Chin K.T., Zhang Z.Q., Jeang K.T. and Jin D., Specific TATAA and bZIP requirements suggest that HTLV-I Tax has transcriptional activity subsequent to the assembly of an initiation complex, Retrovirology. 2004, 1(18): 1-12.
Chung C.M., Man W.Y.C., Jin Y., Jin C., Guan X.Y., Wang Q., Wan T.S.K., Cheung A. and Tsao G.S.W., Amplification and overexpression of Aurora kinase A (AURKA) in immortalized human ovarian epithelial (HOSE) cells, Molecular Carcinogenesis. 2005, 43: 165-174.
Ding C., Chiu R.W.K., Lau T.K., Leung T.N., Chan L.C., Chan A.Y.Y., Charoenkwan P., Ng I.S.L., Law H.Y., Ma E.S.K., Xu X., Wanapirak C., Sanguansermsri T., Liao C., Ai M.A.T.J., Chui D.H.K., Cantor C.R. and Lo Y.M.D., MS analysis of single-nucleotide differences in circulating nucleic acids: Application to noninvasive prenatal diagnosis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2004, 101(29): 10762-10767.
Fan H., Nicholls J.M., Chua D.T.T., Chan K.H., Sham J.S.T., Lee S. and Gulley M.L., Laboratory Markers Of Tumor Burden In Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Comparison Of Viral Load And Serologic Tests For Epstein-barr Virus, International Journal of Cancer. 2004, 112(6): 1036-41.
Feng H., Choy M.Y., Deng W., Wong H.L., Lau W.M., Cheung A.N.Y., Ngan H.Y.S. and Tsao G.S.W., Establishment and characterization of a human first-trimester extravillous trophoblast cell line (TEV-1), Journal of The Society for Gynecologic Investigation. 2005, 12(4): e21-32.
Fong P.Y., Xue W., Ngan H.Y.S., Chan Y.K., Khoo U.S., Tsao G.S.W., Chiu P.M., Man M.L.S. and Cheung A.N.Y., Mcl-1 expression in gestational trophoblastic disease correlates with clinical outcome, Cancer. 2005, 103(2): 268-276.
He Q., Cheung Y.H., Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Chu K.M. and Chiu J., Diverse proteomic alterations in gastric adenocarcinoma, Proteomics. 2004, 4(10): 3276-3287.
Ho C.C., Siu W.Y., Chow J.P.H., Lau A., Arooz T., Tong H.Y., Ng I.O.L. and Poon R.Y.C., The relative contribution of CHK1 and CHK2 to Adriamycin-induced checkpoint, Experimental Cell Research. 2005, 304(1): 1-15.
Ho J.C.M., Lam W.K., Wong M.P., Wong M.K., Ooi C.G.C., Ip M.S.M., Chan M.M.W. and Tsang K.W.T., Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the lung : experience with ten cases, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2004, 8(7): 890-895.
Ho J.C.Y., Cheung S.T., Leung K.L., Ng I.O.L. and Fan S.T., Decreased expression of cytochrome P450 2E1 is associated with poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, International Journal of Cancer. 2004, 111(4): 494-500.
Ho J.W.C., Ho M.Y., Wong K., Chan C.L.W., Chan E. and Yuen S.T., Psychological profile of colorectal cancer genetic testing recipitnes in Hong Kong, Familial Cancer. 2005, 4 (Supp 1): 50 (F33).
Ho M.H.K., Ha S.Y., Chan G.C.F. and Ma E.S.K., Leukemia or Leukemoid, Down Syndrome or not?, Haematologica. 2004, 89(9): ECR33.
Hon C., Law R.W., Shek T.W.H. and Au W.Y., CNS Manifestations of Malignancies CASE 1. Conjunctival Relapse of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Heralding Pituitary and CNS Disease , Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2005, 23(18): 4225-4226.
Hon C., Ma E.S.K., Yau K. and Au W.Y., CNS Manifestations of Malignancies CASE 3. Leukemic Optic Neuropathy Complicating Leukemia Cutis , Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2005, 23(18): 4229-4230.
Hon C., Ho S.L., Ma E.S.K., Trendell-Smith N.J. and Au W.Y., High-grade lymphoma after azathioprine treatment for Vogt-Kaganayi-Harada syndrome, Leukemia & Lymphoma . 2005, 46: 289-292.
Hon C., Au W.Y. and Shek T.W.H., Intraocular lymphoma as a masquerade syndrome complicating cerebral lymphoma of the corpus callosum, Annals of Hematology. 2005, 84(3): 203 - 204.
Hon C., Ma E.S.K. and Au W.Y., Unusual Sites of Metastatic Malignancy - CASE 3. Acute Leukemia Presenting As Bilateral Proptosis , Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2004, 22(24): 5015-5016.
Ip E.W.K., Chan K.H., Law H.K.W., Tso H.W., Kong K.P., Wong W.H.S., To Y.F., Yung W.W.H., Chow E.Y., Au K.L., Chan E.Y.T., Lim W., Jensenius J.C., Turner M.W., Peiris J.S.M. and Lau Y.L., Mannose-Binding Lectin in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection, Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2005, 191: 1697-1704.
Jones B.M., Chiu S.S.S., Wong W.H.S., Lim W.W.L. and Lau Y.L., Cytokine profile in human immunodeficiency Viurs-infected children treated with highly active Antiretroviral therapy, Medscape General Medicine. 2005, 7(1): 71.
Ko S., Chu K.M., Luk J.M.C., Wong W.Y., Yuen S.T., Leung S.Y. and Wong J., CDX2 co-localizes with liver-intestine cadherin in intestinal metaplasia and adenocarcinoma of stomach, Journal of Pathology . 2005, 205: 615-622.
Kwok J.S.Y., Leung A.Y.H., Lie A.K.W., Lee T.L., Lau Y.L., Chu P., Jones B.M., Hawkins B.R. and Liang R.H.S., Antirecipient helper and cytotoxic T-cell frequencies in bone marrow transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2004, 34(3): 207-213.
Kwok J.S.Y. and Jones B.M., Unnecessary repeat requesting of tests: an audit in a government hospital immunology laboratory, Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2005, 58: 457-462.
Kwok W.K., Ling M.T., Lee D.T.W., Lau T.C.M., Zhou C., Zhang X., Chua C.W., Chan K.W., Chan F.L., Glackin C., Wong Y.C. and Wang X., Up-regulation of TWIST in prostate cancer and its implication as a therapeutic target, Cancer Research. 2005, 65(12): 5153-5162.
Lai A.T.Y., Lam C.M., Ng K.K.C., Yeung C., Ho W.L., Poon L.T. and Ng I.O.L., Hepatic actinomycosis presenting as a liver tumour: Case report and literature review, Asian Journal of Surgery. 2004, 27(4): 345-347.
Lam T.P., Khoo U.S., Chan Y.S., Cheng Y.H. and Lam K.F., The first batch of graduates of a new medical curriculum in Asia: how their teachers see them, Medical Education. 2004, 38(9): 980-986.
Law H.K.W., Cheung C.Y., Ng I.H.Y., Sia S.F., Chan Y.O., Luk W., Nicholls J.M., Peiris J.S.M. and Lau Y.L., Chemokine up-regulation in SARS-coronavirus-infected, monocyte-derived human dendritic cells, Blood. 2005, 106(7): 2366-2374.
Lee K.W., Man K., Poon R.T.P., Lo C.M., Ng I.O.L. and Fan S.T., Disruption of p53-p21/WAF1 cell cycle pathway contributes to progression and worse clinical outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma, Oncology Reports. 2004, 12(1): 25-31.
Lee K.W., Man K., Ho J.W.Y., Sun K.W., Ng T.P., Wang X., Wong Y.C., Ng I.O.L., Xu R. and Fan S.T., FTY720 induces apoptosis of human hepatoma cell lines through PI3-K-mediated Akt dephosphorylation, Carcinogenesis. 2004, 25(12): 2397-2405.
Lee K.W., Man K., Ho J.W.Y., Wang X., Poon R.T.P., Sun K.W., Ng T.P., Ng I.O.L., Xu R. and Fan S.T., Significance of the Rac signaling pathway in HCC cell motility: implications for a new therapeutic target, Carcinogenesis. 2005, 26(3): 681-687.
Leung J.C.K., Chan Y.Y., Li F.K., Tang S.C.W., Chan K.W., Chan D.T.M., Lam M.F., Wieslander A. and Lai K.N., Glucose degradation products downregulate ZO-1 expression in human peritoneal mesothelial cells: the role of VEGF, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2005, 20(7): 1336-1349.
Leung K.Y., Lee C.P., Tang M.H.Y., Lau E.T., Ng L.K.L., Lee Y.P., Chan H.Y., Ma E.S.K. and Chan V.N.Y., Cost-effectiveness of prenatal screening for thalassaemia in Hong Kong, Prenatal Diagnosis. 2004, 24: 899-907.
Leung K.Y., Tang M.H.Y., Lam T.P.W., Fan Y.W., Shek T.W.H., Wong K.Y. and Ngai C.S.W., Prenatal diagnosis of a cavernous angioma associated with intracranial hemorrhag: report of one case and review of the literature, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2004, 24(7): 797-804.
Leung P.W., Lee C.C., Hung S.F., Ho T.P., Tang C.P., Kwong S.L., Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Mak-Lieh F., Oosterlaan J., Grady D., Harxhi A., Ding Y.C., Chi H.C., Flodman P., Schuck S., Spence M.A., Moyzis R. and Swanson J., Dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene in Han Chinese children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): increased prevalence of the 2-repeat allele, American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 2005, 133B(1): 54-56.
Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Chu K.M., Mathy J.A., Li R., Chan A.S.Y., Law S.Y.K., Wong J., Chen X. and So S., Expression profiling identifies chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 as an independent prognostic indicator in gastric cancer, Gastroenterology. 2004, 127(2): 457-469.
Li R.H.W., Yu M.M.Y., Cheung A.N.Y. and Wong Y.F., Expression of leptin and leptin receptors in gestational trophoblastic diseases, Gynecologic Oncology. 2004, 95(2): 299-306.
Li S.S., Xue W., Khoo U.S., Ngan H.Y.S., Chan Y.K., Tam I.Y.S., Chiu P.M., Ip P.P.C., Tam K.F. and Cheung A.N.Y., Replicative MCM7 protein as a proliferation marker in endometrial carcinoma: A tissue microarray and clinicopathological analysis, Histopathology. 2005, 46(3): 307-313.
Li V.S.W., Wong C.W., Chan T.L., Chan A.S.W., Zhao W., Chu K.M., Chen X., Yuen S.T., Leung S.Y. and So S., Mutations of PIK3CA in gastric adenocarcinoma, BioMed Central Cancer. 2005, 5: 29.
Liu C.L., Fan S.T., Lo C.M., Chan S.C., Tso W.K., Ng I.O.L. and Wong J., Hepatic resection for incidentaloma, Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2004, 8(7): 785-793.
Lo C.M., Fan S.T., Liu C.L., Yong B.H., Wong Y., Lau G., Lai C.L., Ng I.O.L. and Wong J., Lessons learned from one hundred right lobe living donor liver transplants, Annals of Surgery. 2004, 240(1): 151-158.
Lo C.M., Liu C.L., Lau G., Chan S.C., Ng I.O.L., Fan S.T. and Wong J., Liver transplantation for chronic hepatitis B with lamivudine-resistant YMDD mutant using add-on adefovir dipivoxil to lamivudine (Abstract), American Journal of Transplantation. 2005, 5(Suppl): 180.
Lo C.M., Fan S.T., Liu C.L., Chan S.C., Ng I.O.L. and Wong J., Living donor versus deceased donor liver transplantation for early unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: same criteria, different outcome (Abstract), HPB. 2005, 7(1 Suppl): 54.
Lo S.H., Wong K.S., Arlt V.M., Phillips D.H., Lai C.K., Poon W.T., Chan C.K., Mo K.L., Chan K.W. and Chan A., Detection of Herba Aristolochia Mollissemae in a patient with unexplained nephropathy, American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2005, 45(2): 407-410.
Ma E.S.K., Wan T.S.K. and Chan L.C., FISHing - Current status and future prospects for improved management of leukemia, Cancer Reviews: Asia-Pacific. 2004, 2(2): 131-141.
Ma S.Y., Au W.Y., Lie A.K., Ng I.O.L., Leung A.Y.H., Tse E.W.C., Liang R.H.S., Lau G. and Kwong Y.L., Liver graft-versus-host disease after donor lymphocyte infusion for relapses of hematologic malignacies post allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplant. 2004, 34: 57-61.
MacPherson G., Milling S., Yrlid U., Cousins L., Turnbull E. and Huang F., Uptake of antigens from the intestine by dendritic cells, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2004, 1029: 75-82.
Mok C.C., Ying K.Y., Tang S.C.W., Leung C.Y., Lee K.W., Ng W.L., Wong R.W.S. and Lau W.C.S., Predictors and outcome of renal flares after successful cyclophosphamide treatment for diffuse proliferative lupus glomerulonephritis. , Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2004, 50: 2559-2568.
Mok T.M.Y., Chan E.Y.T., Fong D.Y.T., Leung K.F.S., Wong W.S. and Lau W.C.S., Antiphospholipid Antibody Profiles and Their Clinical Associations in Chinese Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, The Journal of Rheumatology. 2005, 32 (4): 622-8.
Ng I.O.L., Chimerism in transplant allografts, British Journal of Surgery. 2005, 92(6): 661-662.
Ng K.K.C., Lam C.M., Poon R.T.P., Shek T.W.H., To J.Y.T., Wo Y.H., Ho D.W.Y. and Fan S.T., Comparison of systemic responses of radiofrequency ablation, cryotherapy, and surgical resection in a porcine liver model, Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2004, 11(7): 650-657.
Ng K.K.C., Vauthey J.N., Pawlik T.M., Lauwers G.Y., Regimbeau J.M., Belghiti J., Ikai I., Yamaoka Y., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Ng I.O.L., Fan S.T. and Poon R.T.P., Is hepatic resection for large or multinodular hepatocellular carcinoma justified? Results from a multi-institutional database (Abstract), Asian Journal of Surgery. 2005, 28(Suppl 2).
Ng K.K.C., Vauthey J.N., Pawlik T.M., Lauwers G.Y., Regimbeau J.M., Belghiti J., Ikai I., Yamaoka Y., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Ng I.O.L., Fan S.T. and Poon R.T.P., Is hepatic resection for large or multinodular hepatocellular carcinoma justified? Results from a multi-institutional database, Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2005, 12(5): 364-373.
Ng K.K.C., Lam C.M., Poon R.T.P., Shek T.W.H., Ho D.W.Y. and Fan S.T., Maximal host tolerance to large-volume hepatic radiofrequency ablation in a rat model (Abstract), Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2004, 8( 7 Suppl): 114A.
Ng K.K.C., Lam C.M., Poon R.T.P., Shek T.W.H., Yu W.C., To J.Y.T., Wo Y.H., Lau C.P.Y., Tang T.C.M., Ho D.W.Y. and Fan S.T., Porcine liver: morphological characteristics and cell viability at experimental radiofrequency ablation with internally cooled electrodes, Radiology. 2005, 235(2): 478-486.
Pawlik T.M., Poon R.T.P., Abdalla E.K., Zorzi D., Ikai I., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Belghiti J., Ng I.O.L., Yamaoka Y., Lauwers G.Y. and Vauthey J.N., Critical appraisal of the clinical and pathologic predictors of survival after resection of large hepatocellular carcinoma , Archives of Surgery. 2005, 140(5): 450-457.
Pawlik T.M., Poon R.T.P., Abdalla E.K., Ikai I., Nagorney D.M., Belghiti J., Kianmanesh R., Ng I.O.L., Curley S.A., Yamaoka Y., Lauwers G.Y. and Vauthey J.N., Hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma with major portal or hepatic vein invasion: results of a multicenter study, Surgery. 2005, 137(4): 403-410.
Pawlik T.M., Poon R.T.P., Abdalla E.K., Sarmiento J.M., Ikai I., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Belghiti J., Ng I.O.L., Yamaoka Y., Lauwers G.Y. and Vauthey J.N., Hepatitis serology predicts tumor and liver disease characteristics but not prognosis after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma , Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2004, 9(7): 794-805.
Poon L.L.M., Guan Y., Nicholls J.M., Yuen K.Y. and Peiris J.S.M., The aetiology, origins, and diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome., Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2004, 4(11): 663-71.
Poon R.T.P., Ho J.W.Y., Tong C.S.W., Lau C.P.Y., Ng I.O.L. and Fan S.T., Prognostic significance of serum vascular endothelial growth factor and endostatin in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, British Journal of Surgery. 2004, 91(10): 1354-1360.
Qu D., Zheng B., Yao X., Guan Y., Yuan Z.H., Zhong N.S., Lu L., Xie J. and Wen Y., Intranasal immunization with inactivated SARS-CoV (SARS-associated coronavirus) induced local and serum antibodies in mice, Vaccine. 2005, 23 (7): 924-931.
Ren Y., Lin C.L., Li Z., Chen X.Y., Huang X., Lui V.C.H., Nicholls J.M., Lan H.Y. and Tam P.K.H., Up-regulation of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in infants with acute neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, Histopathology. 2005, 46(6): 659-667.
Shen D.H., Chan Y.K., Khoo U.S., Ngan H.Y.S., Xue W., Chiu P.M., Ip P.P.C. and Cheung A.N.Y., Epigenetic and genetic alterations of p33ING1b in ovarian cancer., In: Shen DH*, Chan YK*, Khoo US, Ngan HY, Xue WC, Chiu PM, Ip PP, Cheung AN. , Carcinogenesis . 2005, 26(4): 855-63.
Stephens P., Edkins S., Davies H., Greenman C., Cox C., Hunter C., Bignell G., Teague J., Smith R., Stevens C., O'Meara S., Parker A., Tarpey P., Avis T., Barthorpe A., Brackenbury L., Buck G., Butler A., Clements J., Cole J., Dicks E., Edwards K., Forbes S., Gorton M., Gray K., Halliday K., Harrison R., Hills K., Hinton J., Jones D., Kosmidou V., Laman R., Lugg R., Menzies A., Perry J., Petty R., Raine K., Shepherd R., Small A., Solomon H., Stephens Y., Tofts C., Varian J., Webb A., West S., Widaa S., Yates A., Brasseur F., Cooper C.S., Flanagan A.M., Green A., Knowles M., Leung S.Y., Looijenga L.H., Malkowicz B., Pierotti M.A., Teh B., Yuen S.T., Nicholson A.G., Lakhani S., Easton D.F., Weber B.L., Stratton M.R., Futreal P.A. and Wooster R., A screen of the complete protein kinase gene family identifies diverse patterns of somatic mutations in human breast cancer, Nature Genetics. 2005, 37(6): 590-592.
Stephens P., Hunter C., Bignell G., Edkins S., Davies H., Teague J., Stevens C., O'Meara S., Smith R., Parker A., Barthorpe A., Blow M., Brackenbury L., Butler A., Clarke O., Cole J., Dicks E., Dike A., Drozd A., Edwards K., Forbes S., Foster R., Gray K., Greenman C., Halliday K., Hills K., Kosmidou V., Lugg R., Menzies A., Perry J., Petty R., Raine K., Ratford L., Shepherd R., Small A., Stephens Y., Tofts C., Varian J., West S., Widaa S., Yates A., Brasseur F., Cooper C.S., Flanagan A.M., Knowles M., Leung S.Y., Louis D.N., Looijenga L.H., Malkowicz B., Pierotti M.A., Teh B., Chenevix-Trench G., Weber B.L., Yuen S.T., Harris G., Goldstraw P., Nicholson A.G., Futreal P.A., Wooster R. and Stratton M.R., Lung cancer: intragenic ERBB2 kinase mutations in tumours, Nature. 2004, 431(7008): 525-526.
Subramanian S., West R.B., Corless C.L., Ou W., Rubin B.P., Chu K.M., Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Zhu S., Hernandez-Boussard T., Montgomery K., Nielsen T.O., Patel R.M., Goldblum J.R., Heinrich M.C., Fletcher J.A. and van de Rijn M.V.D., Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) with KIT and PDGFRA mutations have distinct gene expression profiles, Oncogene. 2004, 2004: 7780-7790.
Sze M.F., Ching Y.P., Jin D. and Ng I.O.L., Association of MAD2 expression with mitotic checkpoint competence in hepatoma cells, J. Biomed. Sci. . 2004, 11: 920-7.
Szeto C.H., Shek T.W.H., Lie A.K.W., Au W.Y., Yuen P.W. and Kwong Y.L., Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue complicating chronic oral mucosal graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, American Journal of Hematology. 2004, 77(2): 200-202.
Tang S.C.W., Tse K.C., Chan K.W., Ho Y.W. and Lai K.N., Anderson-Fabry disease, American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 2005, 45: A51, e21-22.
Tang S.F., Chan K.H., Cheng V.C.C., Woo P.C.Y., Lau S.K.P., Lam C.C.K., Chan T.L., Wu A.K.L., Hung I.F.N., Leung S.Y. and Yuen K.Y., Comparative host gene transcription by microarray analysis early after infection of the Huh7 cell line by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and human coronavirus 229E., Journal of virology. 2005, 79(10): 6180-93.
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Tsang K.W.T., Tipoe G.L., Mak J.C.W., Sun J.Z., Wong M.P., Leung R.C.M., Tan K.C.B., MedStat C.K.M., Ho J.C.M., Ho P.L., Rutman A. and Lam W.K., Ciliary central microtubular orientation is of no clinical significance in bronchiectasis, Respiratory Medicine. 2005, 99: 290-297.
Wan T.S.K., Ma E.S.K., Chan G.C.F. and Chan L.C., Investigation of MYCN status in neuroblastoma by fluorescence in situ hybridization, International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2004, 14: 981-987.
Wan T.S.K., Ma E.S.K., Chow E.Y.D., Li Y.H., Lin S.Y. and Chan L.C., Pathogenesis of jumping translocations: a molecular cytogenetics study, Leukemia Research. 2004, 28(10): 1075-1079.
Wong C.W., Fan Y.S., Chan T.L., Chan A.S.W., Ho L.C., Ma T.K.F., The Cancer Genome Project, Yuen S.T. and Leung S.Y., BRAF and NRAS mutations are uncommon in melanomas arising in diverse internal organs, Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2005, 58: 640-644.
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Wong W.H.S., Ma E.S.K., Lee T.L., Ha S.Y., Lau Y.L. and Chan G.C.F., Use of midazolam and ketamine as sedation for children undergoing minor operative procedures., Support Care Cancer. 2005, 13: 1001-1009.
Xia H.H.X., Yang Y., Lam S.K., Wong R.W.M., Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Elia G., Wright N.A. and Wong B.C.Y., Aberrant Epithelial Expression of Trefoil Family Factor 2 and Mucin 6 in Helicobacter pylori infected gastric antrum, incisura, and body and its association with antralisation, Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2004, 57: 861-866.
Xia H.H.X., Lam S.K., Huang X.R., Wong R.W.M., Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Lan H.Y. and Wong B.C.Y., Helicobacter pylori Infection is Associated with Increased Expression of Macrophage Migratory Inhibitory Factor - by Epithelial Cells, T Cells, and Macrophages - in Gastric Mucosa, The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2004, 190: 293-302.
Xu J., Dan Q., Chan V.N.Y., Wat N.M.S., Tam S., Tiu S.C., Lee K.F., Siu S.C., Tsang M.W., Fung L.M., Chan K.W. and Lam K.S.L., Genetic and Clinical Characteristics of Maturity-onset Diabetes of the Young in Chinese Patients, European Journal of Human Genetics. 2005, 13: 422-427.
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Yau T.O., Chan C.Y., Chan K.L., Lee M.F., Wong C.M., Fan S.T. and Ng I.O.L., HDPR1, a novel inhibitor of the WNT/beta-catenin signaling, is frequently downregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma: involvement of methylation-mediated gene silencing, Oncogene. 2005, 24(9): 1607-1614.
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Conference papers
Abdalla E.K., Pawlik T.M., Poon R.T.P., Zorzi D., Ikai I., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Belghiti J., Ng I.O.L., Yamaoka Y., Lauwers G.Y. and Vauthey J.N., Critical appraisal of the clinical and pathological predictors of survival after resection of large hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract), The 4th International Meeting on Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, 14-16 December 2004.
Abdalla E.K., Pawlik T.M., Poon R.T.P., Sarmiento J.M., Ikai I., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Belghiti J., Ng I.O.L., Yamaoka Y., Lauwers G.Y. and Vauthey J.N., Hepatitis serology defines tumor and liver disease characteristics but not prognosis after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract), The 4th International Meeting on Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, 14-16 December 2004.
Au W.Y., Lie A.K.W., Liang R.H.S., Yuen P.W., Shek T.W.H. and Kwong Y.L., Secondary non-hematologic malignancies after allogeneic stem cell transplantation : incidence and molecular monitoring, 10th Congress of the International Society of hematology, Asian Pacific Division, Nagoya, Japan. Nagoya, Japan, 2004, 110.
Beh S.L. and Broadhurst R.G., Child Homicide in Hong Kong 1989-1998, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Conference. 2005.
Chan D.W., Lee M.F., Chan P.C.Y. and Ng I.O.L., T-cadherin is silenced by frequent genetic and epigenetic alterations in hepatocellular carcinoma, The 11th HK International Cancer Congress, 10-12 November 2004, Hong Kong. 2004.
Chan L.C., Development of Haematology as a Laboratory/Medical Specialty in Hong Kong – Problems & Prospects , Xth Congress of the International Society of Hematology, Asian-Pacific Division, 1-4 September 2004, Nagoya, Japan. 2004.
Chan L.C., Chan A.S.Y., Hui E.C., Ha S.Y. and Ma E.S.K., Hb H Disease: Time to Screen?, Genetics and Population Health. Inaugural Conference of the Australian Public Health Genetics Consortium. 2004.
Chan L.C., Kong C.T. and Sham M.H., The leukaemia fusion gene, Mll-Een affects haemopoietic development in mouse embryonic stem cells with enhanced proliferation and self renewal of myeloid progenitors, Days of Molecular Medicine 2005 – Stem Cell Biology and Human Disease, 17-19 March 2005, Salk Institute, La Jolla, California, USA . 2005.
Chan L.C., The leukaemia fusion gene, Mll-Een, leads to enhanced proliferation and self renewal of myeloid progenitors in mouse embryonic stem cells, The Croucher Advanced Study Institute on “Molecular Genetics Cell Signaling in Cancers” Hong Kong, 17-21 January 2005.
Chan M.M.W., Lam W.K., Mak J.C.W., Ho S.P., Chan H.W., Tsang K.W.T., Ip M.S.M., Ho J.C.M., Wong M.P. and Tan-Un K., Polymorphisms of CYP and GST genes, passive smoke and lung cancer risk in Hong Kong Chinese, European Respiratory Journal. 2004, 24: Suppl 48: 457s.
Chan T.L., Yuen S.T., Ho J.W.C., Chan Y.W., Chan A.S.Y., Chan E.M.S. and Leung S.Y., Germline methylation of the MSH2 promoter as a cause of Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer, Proceedinngs of the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2005.
Chan Y.K., Liu S., Leung C.Y., Cheung A.N.Y., Khoo U.S., Leung T.W. and Ngan H.Y.S., Promoter methylation of Delta-TA isoform of p73 regulating the corresponding transcript expression level in gynecological cancers, 70th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium: Molecular Approaches to Controlling Cancer, New York, USA, June 1-6, 2005.
Chay G.W., Ma E.S.K. and Cheung Y.F., Ethnic Differences in Coagulation Factor Abnormalities After the Fontan Procedure, Ruby Jubilee Scientific Meeting, HK, 24-26 Sepember 2004 (Abstract in Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (new series). Hong Kong, Medcom Limited, 2004, 9 (suppl): 39.
Chay G.W., Lui M.C. and Cheung Y.F., Ethnic Differences in Coagulation Factor Abnormalities after the Fontan Procedure, 5th Guangdong - Hong Kong Paediatric Exchange Meeting, HK, 24 July 2004 . 2004.
Chen J.F., Ma E.S.K., Ha S.Y., Chan G.C.F., Chan A.Y.Y., Chan L.C. and Lau Y.L., The Effect of Mild b-Thalassaemia Mutations on Clinical Manifestation of b-Thalassaemia Major and Intermedia in Chinese, Ruby Jubilee Scientific Meeting, HK, 24-26 September 2004 (Abstract in Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (new series). Hong Kong, Medcom Limited, 2004, 9 (suppl): 18.
Chen J.F., Ma E.S.K., Ha S.Y., Chan G.C.F., Chan A.Y.Y., Chan L.C. and Lau Y.L., The Effect of Mild b-thalassaemia Mutations on Clinical Mainfestation of b-thalassaemia Major and Intermedia in Chinese, 5th Guangdong - Hong Kong Paediatric Exchange Meeting, HK, 24 July 2004 . 2004.
Cheung A.N.Y., Differential gene expression and methylation status as predicting indicators for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, The Croucher Advanced Study Institute on “Molecular Genetics Cell Signaling in Cancers” Hong Kong, 17-21 January 2005.
Cheung A.N.Y., Chiu P.M., Chan Q.K.Y., Chan Y.K. and Ngan H.Y.S., Stem cell related genes and malignant progression in gestational trophoblastic diseases, In: 105943 , 96th Annual Meeting 2005, American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, Orange Country, California, USA, April 16-20, 2005.
Cheung B.M.Y., Lam T.H., Lam K.S.L., Tam S., Wat N.M.S., Lo L.F., Chau F.Y., Law C.Y., Man Y.B., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Follow Up of the Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Survey Cohort, 9th Medical Research Conference, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 2004.
Cheung B.M.Y., Man Y.B., Lo L.F., Chau F.Y., Law C.Y., Lam K.S.L., Lam T.H., Wat N.M.S., Tam S., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., High Blood Pressure is Related to Obesity in Hong Kong, 9th Medical Research Conference, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 2004.
Cheung B.M.Y., Man Y.B., Lo L.F., Chau F.Y., Law C.Y., Lam K.S.L., Lam T.H., Wat N.M.S., Tam S., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Lipid Profile of the Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Survey Cohort, 9th Medical Research Conference, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 2004.
Cheung B.M.Y., Man Y.B., Lo L.F., Chau F.Y., Law C.Y., Lam K.S.L., Lam T.H., Wat N.M.S., Tam S., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Obesity in the Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Survey-2 (CRISPS2) Cohort, 9th Medical Research Conference, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 2004.
Cheung B.M.Y., Man Y.B., Lam K.S.L., Wat N.M.S., Lo L.F., Chau F.Y., Law C.Y., Lam T.H., Leung G.M., Tam S., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in the Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study Cohort, 9th Medical Research Conference, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong 2004.
Cheung B.M.Y., Man Y.B., Lo L.F., Chau F.Y., Law C.Y., Lam K.S.L., Lam T.H., Wat N.M.S., Tam S., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Relationship Between Hypertension and Obesity in Hong Kong, 3rd Asian-Pacific Congress on Hypertension, Singapore 2004.
Cheung E.W.Y., Chay G.W., Ma E.S.K. and Cheung Y.F., Systemic Oxygen Saturation and Coagulation Factor Abnormalities Before and After the Fontan Procedure, 13th Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology (abstract published in the Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology), Hong Kong, 22-24 April 2005. 13: 53.
Cheung S.T., Wong S.Y., Leung K.L., Chen X., So S., Ng I.O.L. and Fan S.T., Granulin-epithelin precursor (GEP) promotes growth and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract), The 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 January 2005.
Cheung Y.T., He Q., Li M., Leung S.Y., Chiu J., Lin M.C. and Kung H., Characterization of human cell cycle related kinase in glioblastoma carcinogenesis by a proteomic study, Advances in Proteomics in Cancer Research, Florida, USA, October 1,2004.
Chiang A.K.S., Wong O.H. and Huang F., Differential responses of cord and adult blood-derived dendritic cells to dying cells, The 3rd Congress of the Federation of Immunology Societies of Asia-Oceania (FIMSA 2005), Hangzhou, China, 18-22 April 2005. C95.
Chiang A.K.S., Wong O.H. and Huang F., Differential responses of cord and adult blood-derived dendritic cells to dying cells, The 3rd Congress of the Federation of Immunology Societies of Asia-Oceania, Hangzhou, PR China, 18-22 April 2005. C95.
Chiang A.K.S., Ma E.S.K., Jones B.M., Li Y.H., Chan G.C.F., Ha S.Y. and Lau Y.L., Long Term Immune Reconstitution after Bone Marrow Transplantation for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency and Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome, 5th Guangdong - Hong Kong Paediatric Exchange Meeting, HK, 24 July 2004. 《第五屆粵港兒科學術交流會,香港, 24 July 2004》, 47.
Chim S., Lee T.L. and Chan K.W., Propylthiouracil-induced ANCA Positive Crescentic Glomerulonephritis: A Case Report and Literature Review, Ruby Jubilee Scientific Meeting, HK, 24-26 Sepember 2004 (Abstract in Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (new series). Hong Kong, Medcom Limited, 2004, 9 (suppl): 46.
Chim S., Lee T.L. and Chan K.W., Propylthiouracil-induced anca positive crescentic glomerulonephritis: a case report and literature review, The 13th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, Adelaide, Australia, 29 August - 2 September 2004.
Chin K.T., Chun C.S., Ching Y.P. and Jin D., Human T-cell leukemia virus oncoprotein Tax represses nuclear receptor signaling by targeting transcriptional coactivator TXBP151 , The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s 2004 Annual Leadership Conference and Stohlman Scholars Symposium, Denver, Colorado, USA, November 11-13, 2004. . 2004.
Ching Y.P., Wong C.M., Jin D. and Ng I.O.L., Identification of a novel RHO GTPase activating protein called DLC2, involved in hepatocellular carcinoma, 10th SCBA International Symposium, Beijing, China, 18-23 July 2004 . 2004.
Ching Y.P., Identification of an autoinhibitory domain in P21-activated protain kinase 5, Joint Research Retreat for Young Scientists, HKU - Cambridge - HKUST, 10-12 March 2005 . 2005.
Chung B.H.Y., Ma E.S.K., Khong P.L. and Chan G.C.F., Genetic thrombophilic risk factors in Chinese children with malignant illness, The 3rd Hong Kong Medical Genetics Conference, HK< 8-10 April 2005. 23.
Fatima S., Hui K.S., Wong M.M., Tang W.K., Chui C.H., Wong J., Law S.Y.K., Tsao G.S.W., Lam K.Y., Srivastava G., Ho K.P. and Tang J.C.O., Study of transforming capacity of two novel genes JS-1 and JS-2 in chromosome 5p and their overexpression in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, California, USA, 16-20 April. 2005.
Gibson I., Cheung L.K., Chow S.P., Cheung W.L., Beh S.L., Savalani M.M. and Lee S.H., The use of rapid prototyping to assist medical applications, Proceedings of the 10th Assises Europoeennes du Prototypage Rapide. Paris, France, AFPR, 2004, CD-ROM: 1-8.
Girard L., Lam C.L., Shigematsu H., Wong M.P., Peyton M., Sheridan S., Beer D.G., Gazdar A.F. and Minna J.D., Gene profiling of lung cancers with EGFR mutations, 96th Annual Meeting 2005, American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, Orange Country, California, USA, April 16-20, 2005.
Ho J.C.M., Ho S.P., Chan M.M.W., Mak J.C.W., Ip M.S.M., Ko K.W., Yan C.P.K., Wong M.P., Tsang K.W.T. and Lam W.K., Non-small cell lung cancer in Chinese is associated with disturbance in systemic antioxidant profiles, 9th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, Hong Kong, December, 2004. Respirology. 2004, 9 (Supp): A114.
Ho J.W.C., Ho M.Y., Wong K., Chan C.L.W., Chan E. and Yuen S.T., Psychological profile of colorectal cancer genetic testing recipitnes in Hong Kong, First Conference of InSiGHT, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 14-17 June 2005.
Ho S.P., Chan M.M.W., Wong M.P., Tsang K.W.T., Ip M.S.M., Lam W.K. and Mak J.C.W., Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 gene common polymorphisms and plasma TGF-beta 1 levels in patients with lung cancer, 10th Medical Research Conference, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, February 2005. Abstract Book: RM 60.
Huang F., Ma L., Wu A.Y.Y., Tian L., Chan K.W., Trendell-Smith N.J., Lam A.C., Chan A.K.L., Lo C.K., Chik S.C.C., Ko K.H., To K.W., Kam S.K., Fong L.P., Li X.S., Leung S.Y., Ng M.H., Stott D.I., Liew F.Y. and MacPherson G.G., Systemic autoimmune disease induced by dendritic cells that have captured necrotic but not apoptotic dying cells, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Immunology and the 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS, Montreal, Canada, July 18-23, 2004.
Jin D., Ching Y.P. and Chan S.F., A centrosomal target of human T-cell leukemia virus type I (poster 2261)., The American Society for Cell Biology 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, December 4-8, 2004.. 2004.
Khoo U.S., Chan Y.K., Peiris J.S.M., Yip S.P., Liu W., Ngan H.Y.S., Tam P.K.H., Chan L.C. and Cheung A.N.Y., Association of ICAM3 genetic variant with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)., HUGO's 10th Human Genome Meeting, 18-21 April 2005, Kyoto, Japan. 2005.
Kim D.L., Wong R.W.S., Jones B.M., Lau W.C.S. and Kim T.Y., Antiperinuclear factor in Chinese: does antiperinuclear factor have the same implication in Chinese and Western populations?, 11th APLAR Bi-annual Congress, Jeju, Korea 11-16 September 2004.
Ko S., Luk J.M.C., Wong W.Y., Leung S.Y. and Chu K.M., CDX2 co-localizes with liver-intestine cadherin in intestinal metaplasia and adenocarcinoma of stomach, 6th International Gastric Cancer of Congress, Yokohama, Japan, 4-7 May 2005.
Kok K.H., Choy E.Y.W., Ching Y.P. and Jin D., Cell-to-cell spreading of RNA interference in mammalian cells (poster 2593, ASCB Student Travel Award)., The American Society for Cell Biology 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, December 4-8, 2004.. 2004.
Kok K.H., Choy E.Y.W., Ching Y.P. and Jin D., Cell-to-cell spreading of RNA interference in mammalian cells, The ASCB 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 4-8 December 2004.
Lam B., Tam C.M., Lam S.Y., Wong M.P., Ooi C.G.C., Fung S.L., Ip M.S.M. and Lam W.K., Detection of early lung cancer in high risk population : a prospective study, 9th Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, Hong Kong, December 2004. Respirology. 2004, 9 (Supp): A122.
Lam C.L., Wong M.P., Girard L., Chung L.P., Chau W.S., Chiu S.W., Lam W.K. and Minna J.D., Gene expression profiling in lung adenocarcinomas reveals molecular signatures of potential biological significance , Journal of The Japanese Respiratory Society. 2005, 43 (Suppl): 115 (EO6-3).
Lam D.C.L., Wong M.P., Girard L., Shigematsu H., Chung L.P., Gazdar A.F., Chiu S.W., Suen W.S., Lam W.K. and Minna J.D., Expression profiling in lung adenocarcinoma with or without Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) gene mutation at exons 18-21 reveals expression signatures related to the EGFR pathway, 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, CA, USA, April. 2005, P.O.CB 39: 888/B#9.
Lam D.C.L., Wong M.P., Girard L., Chung L.P., Chau W.S., Chiu S.W., Lam W.K. and Minna J.D., Gene expression profiling in lung adenocarcinomas reveals molecular signatures of potential biological significance, Respirology. 2004, 9 (Suppl): A121 (236).
Law H.K.W., Cheung C.Y., Ng I.H.Y., Sia S.F., Chan Y.O., Luk W., Nicholls J.M., Peiris J.S.M. and Lau Y.L., Chemokine upregulation in SARS coronavirus infected human monocyte derived dendritic cells, Keystone Symposia: Dendritic cells at the Center of Innate and Adaptive Immunity: Eradication of Pathogens and Cancer and Control of Immunopathology, Vancouver, Canada, 1-7 February 2005. 85.
Law H.K.W., Cheung C.Y., Ng I.H.Y., Sia S.F., Luk W., Nicholls J.M., Peiris J.S.M. and Lau Y.L., Human Monocyte Derived Dendritic Cells Infected by SARS Associated Coronavirus, 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS, Montreal, Canada, 18-23 July 2004.
Lee T.L., Kwok J.S.Y. and Lau Y.L., A Child with Behcet's Disease Associated with Natural Killer Cell Deficiency, Ruby Jubilee Scientific Meeting, HK, 24-26 Sepember 2004 (Abstract in Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (new series). Hong Kong, Medcom Limited, 2004, 9 (suppl): 48.
Leung S.Y., Yuen S.T., Chu K.M., Li R., Chan A.S.Y., So S. and Chen X., Study of chromosomal aberrations and gene expression changes in gastric cancer cell lines using cDNA microarray, Proceedinngs of the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2005.
Leung T.H.Y., Ching Y.P., Wong C.M., Ng D.C.H., Jin D. and Ng I.O.L., Identification of multiple isoforms of DLC2, a novel tumor suppressor gene, and their functional characterization in hepatocellular carcinoma, 4th International Meeting of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, December 2004 (Young Investigator Award). 2004.
Leung T.M., Fan S.T., Liong E.C., Fung M.L., Lau T.Y.H., Leung K.M., Tom W.M., Nanji A.A. and Tipoe G.L., Nitric oxide and fibrotic factors in chronic liver injury (Abstract), The 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 January 2005.
Li H.Y., Fung K.L., Ching Y.P., Ng I.O.L., Chung S.S.M., Sze K.H., Ko B.C.B. and Sun H., Structural study of the SAM domain of the deleted in liver cancer 2 (DLC2), Chemistry Symposium of Hong Kong, March 2005.
Li V.S.W., Wong C.W., Chan T.L., Chan A.S.Y., Zhao W., Chu K.M., So S., Chen X., Yuen S.T. and Leung S.Y., Mutations of PIK3CA in gastric adenocarcinoma, Proceedinngs of the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. 2005.
Liang Y., Zhang J.C.L., Higgins D.A. and Chan S.Y., Functional characteristics of SUN-2, 9th Research Postgraduate Symposium, HKU, 4 December 2004. 104.
Liu V.W.S., Chiu P.M., Yao K.M., Chan D.W., Hui C.C., Cheung A.N.Y. and Ngan H.Y.S., Study of hedgehog signaling in cervical cancer, 96th Annual Meeting 2005, American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, Orange Country, California, USA, April 16-20, 2005.
Liu W., Chan Y.K., Chan S.Y., Yip S.P., Cheung A.N.Y., Chua D.T.T., Ngan H.Y.S. and Khoo U.S., BRCA1 gene promoter polymorphisms associated with breast cancer risk, 96th Annual Meeting 2005, American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, Orange Country, California, USA, April 16-20, 2005.
Lo C.C., Wong K.Y. and Chan K.W., BRAF mutation in papillary thyroid carcinoma, 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Division of the International Academy of Pathology, Hong Kong, 12-14 November 2004.
Lo C.C., Wong K.Y. and Chan K.W., Ras mutation in papillary thyroid carcinoma, 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Division of the International Academy of Pathology, Hong Kong, 12-14 November 2004.
Lo C.M., Liu C.L., Lau G., Chan S.C., Ng I.O.L., Fan S.T. and Wong J., Liver transplantation for chronic hepatitis B with lamivudine-resistant YMDD mutant using add-on adefovir dipivoxil to lamivudine (Poster Presentation), American Transplant Congress, Seattle, U.S.A., 21-25 May 2005.
Lo C.M., Fan S.T., Liu C.L., Chan S.C., Ng I.O.L. and Wong J., Living donor versus deceased donor liver transplantation for early unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: same criteria, different outcome (Invited Lecture), The 6th Congress of the European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Heidelberg, Germany, 25-28 May 2005.
Lo C.M., Fan S.T., Liu C.L., Chan S.C., Ng I.O.L. and Wong J., Living donor versus deceased donor liver transplantation for small unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: same criteria, different outcome (Invited Lecture), The 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 January 2005.
Lu L., Zhang M., Cheung C.T., Wong C., Ko K.H., Tsang S.L., Chan L.C. and Sham M.H., Hoxb3 deficiency impairs B lymphopoiesis and erythropoiesis in mouse bone marrow, Clinical and Investigative Medicine. 2004, 27(4): 32D.
Lu L., Lam Q.L.K., Zhang M., Lo C.K., Ko K.H., Osmond D.G., Wu G.E. and Rottapel R., Novel function of c-Abl in regulating precursor B cell development, Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 2005, 1: C82.
Ma L., Ng M.H. and Huang F., Interactions of dendritic cells and dying cells in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 9th Research Postgraduate Symposium, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4 December 2004.
Ma L., Chan K.W., Trendell-Smith N.J., Lo C.K., To K.W. and Huang F., Necrotic cells induce systemic autoimmune disease in vivo by activation of dendritic cells, 62th Annual Meeting, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), San Antonio, FL, USA, 3-7 March 2005.
Man Y.B., Cheung B.M.Y., Lam K.S.L., Wat N.M.S., Lo L.F., Chau F.Y., Law C.Y., Lam T.H., Leung G.M., Tam S., Cheng C.H., Kumana C.R. and Lau C.P., Prevalence of Hypertension in the Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study Cohort, 9th Medical Research Conference, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. 2004.
Mok T.M.Y., Chan E.Y.T., Lo Y., Wong R.W.S. and Lau W.C.S., Antiphospholipid (aPL) antibody profiles in Chinese patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, 11th APLAR Bi-annual Congress, Jeju, Korea 11-16 September 2004.
Ng D.C.H., Jin D. and Ng I.O.L., Characterisation of Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein Related Lipid Transfer Domain (START)domain in Deleted in Liver Cancer 2(DLC-2). , Society For Chinese Bioscientists in America, Beijing, July 2004 . 2004.
Ng D.C.H., Ching Y.P., Ng I.O.L. and Jin D., Functional characterization of a Novel RhoGAP protein deleted in liver cancer 2 (DLC2), 9th research postgraduate symposium, HKU, December 4, 2004.
Ng D.C.H., Chun C.S., Ching Y.P., Ng I.O.L. and Jin D., Functional characterization of a novel RhoGAP protein Deleted in Liver Cancer 2 (poster 2140)., The American Society for Cell Biology 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, December 4-8, 2004.. 2004.
Ng D.C.H., Ching Y.P., Chan S.F. and Jin D., Human T-cell leukemia virus type I oncoprotein tax targets the centrosome, 10th SCBA International Symposium, Beijing, China 18-23 July 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Molecular and genetic analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma, The Croucher Advanced Study Institute on “Molecular Genetics Cell Signaling in Cancers” Hong Kong, 17-21 January 2005.
Ng K.K.C., Vauthey J.N., Pawlik T.M., Lauwers G.Y., Regimbeau J.M., Belghiti J., Ikai I., Yamaoka Y., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Ng I.O.L., Fan S.T. and Poon R.T.P., Is hepatic resection for large or multinodular hepatocellular carcinoma justified? Results from a multi-institutional database (Abstract), The 4th International Meeting on Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, 14-16 December 2004.
Ng K.K.C., Lam C.M., Poon R.T.P., Shek T.W.H., Ho D.W.Y. and Fan S.T., Maximal host tolerance to large-volume hepatic radiofrequency ablation in a rat model (Abstract), The 19th World Congress of Digestive Surgery, Yokohama, Japan, 8-11 December 2004.
Ng M.W., Law H.K.W., Yung R.W.H., Chow E.Y., Au K.L., Chan E.Y.T., Lim W., Peiris J.S.M. and Lau Y.L., Association of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein 1 Gene Polymorphism with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Ruby Jubilee Scientific Meeting, HK, 24-26 Sepember 2004 (Abstract in Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics (new series). Hong Kong, Medcom Limited, 2004, 9 (suppl): 51.
Pawlik T.M., Poon R.T.P., Abdalla E.K., Zorzi D., Ikai I., Curley S.A., Nagorney D.M., Belghiti J., Ng I.O.L., Yamaoka Y., Lauwers G.Y. and Vauthey J.N., Critical appraisal of the clinical and pathological predictors of survival after resection of large hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract), The 112th Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association; Las Vegas, U.S.A., 9 November, 2004.
Srivastava G., Epigenetics and molecular targeting in cancer, Abstract of the Proc of the 11th HK International Cancer Congress, 10-12 November 2004, Hong Kong. 2004.
Srivastava G., Shen L., Au W.Y., Kwong Y.L. and Liang R.H.S., Molecular pathogenesis of nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma, Abstract of the Proc of 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, 29 September - 1 October 2004, Fukuoka, Japan. 2004.
Sun Q., Huang F. and Chan L.C., Dendritic cells differentiation from cells of leukemia origin, 9th Research Postgraduate Symposium, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4 December 2004.
Tam I.Y.S., EGFR & K-RAS Mutation Pattern in NSCLC, Respiratory Research Meeting, Queen Mary Hosptial, Hong Kong, 4 April 2005.
Tam I.Y.S., Wong M.P., Chau W.S., Wang E., Lam W.K., Chiu S.W. and Chung L.P., EGFR mutations are prevalent and independent from K-RAS mutations in lung adenocarcinomas from non-smokers, 9th Research Postgraduate Symposium, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4 December 2004.
Tam I.Y.S., Wong M.P., Suen W.S., Wang E., Lam W.K., Chiu S.W., Gazdar A., Minna J.D. and Chung L.P., EGFR mutations are prevalent and independent from k-RAS mutations in lung adenocarcinomas from non-smokers, 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, CA, USA, April. 2005, M.S.CL00.01: 1666.
To K.W., Chiang A.K.S. and Huang F., Tumor derived immuno-suppressive molecules on dendritic cells (DC) functions and the implications in DC-based vaccine, 9th Research Postgraduate Symposium, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4 December 2004.
Wang Y., Liu V.W.S., Tsang P.C.K., Xue W.C., Cheung A.N.Y. and Ngan H.Y.S., Elevated copy number and extensive microsatellite instability in mitochondrial genome of human endometrial adenocarcinoma, 96th Annual Meeting 2005, American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, Orange Country, California, USA, April 16-20, 2005.
Wong C.M., Ching Y.P. and Ng I.O.L., Genome-wide methylation screening in search for novel tumor suppressor genes in liver cancer, AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research “Chromatin, chromosomes and cancer epigenetics”, Hawaii, USA, November 2004.
Wong M.P., Lam D.C.L., Yap D.Y.L., Girard L., Tam I.Y.S., Chung L.P., Chiu S.W., Lam W.K., Danchin A. and Minna J.D., Identification of discriminating gene expression of EBV-associated primary lymphoepitheioma-like carcinoma of lung by oligonucleotide microarray analysis , 96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, CA, USA, April. 2005, P.O.CB19: 75/B#3.
Wong M.P., Molecular genetics of non-small cell lung cancer in non-smokers, The Croucher Advanced Study Institute on “Molecular Genetics Cell Signaling in Cancers” Hong Kong, 17-21 January 2005.
Wong M.P., Updates on pathological classification of lung cancer, 9th Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Congress, 10 December 2004, Hong Kong. 2004.
Wong O.H., Huang F. and Chiang A.K.S., Role of dendritic cell in the immune regulation of primary epstein-barr virus infection, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Immunology, 18-23 July 2004, Montreal. 2004.
Yam J.W.P., Jin D. and Chan L.C., Identification and characterization of EBP, a Novel EEN binding protein that inhibits ras signaling and is recruited into the nucleus by the MLL-EEN fusion protein, 10th SCBA International Symposium, Beijing, China, 18-23 July 2004.
Yang C. and Huang F., Regulation of autoimmune responses by dendritic cells and T regulatory cells in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 9th Research Postgraduate Symposium, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4 December 2004.
Yau T.O., Chan C.Y., Chan K.L., Lee M.F., Wong C.M., Fan S.T. and Ng I.O.L., Frequent down-regulation of HDPR1, a novel inhibitor of WNT/beta-catenin signaling, in hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract), The 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 January 2005.
Yau T.O., Chan C.Y., Chan K.L., Lee M.F., Wong C.M., Fan S.T. and Ng I.O.L., HDPR1, a novel inhibitor of WNT/b-catenin signaling, is down-regulated in hepatocellular carcinoma: involvement of promoter hypermethylation, AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research “Chromatin, chromosomes and cancer epigenetics”, Hawaii, USA, November 2004.
Yau T.O., Chan P.C.Y., Chan K.L., Lee M.F., Wong C.M., Fan S.T. and Ng I.O.L., Under-expression of HDPR1, a novel inhibitor of WNT/b-catenin signaling pathway, in hepatocellular carcinoma (Abstract), The 4th International Meeting on Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, 14-16 December 2004.
Ying Y., Srivastava G., Hsieh W.S., Gao Z., Murray P.G. and Tao Q., Genomic DNA methylation-subtraction identified functional tumor suppressor genes epigenetically silenced in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), Abstract of the Proc of 11th Biennial Conference of the Association for research on EBV and Associated Diseases, 20-25 September 2004, Regensburg, Germany. 2004.
Zhang M., Ko K.H., Sham M.H. and Lu L., Novel function of HOXB3 gene in regulation B lymphopoiesis , 9th research postgraduate symposium, HKU, December 4, 2004.
Zhu H., Wong M.P., Lam C.L., Cai W.W., Chau W.S., Wang E., Lam W.K., Chiu S.W. and Chung L.P., High-resolution analysis of DNA copy number alterations and expression profiling by microarray technology in primary lung cancer cell lines, 9th Research Postgraduate Symposium, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4 December 2004.
All other outputs
Chan C.F., NF-kappa B pathway dysregulation and relation to HBx in hepatocellular carcinoma, Master of Philosophy thesis. 2004.
Kwong T.H.G., An Autopsy-based Epidemiological Study of Road Traffic Fatalities in Hong Kong: Crash Type, Injury Severity and Prospects for Intervention. 2004.
Yang C., Single nucleotide polymorphism in the coding sequence of follicle stimulating hormone receptor and susceptibility to ovarian and endometrial cancer. 2004.
Editorship, Invited lectures and keynote speeches
Aggrawal A., Busutil A., Baccinol E., Clark J., Beh S.L., Clement J. .G., Cordner S., Karch S., Ernst M.F. and Maden A., Editorial Advisory Board, In: Jason Payne-James, Roger W. Byard, Tracey S. Cprey, Carol Henderson, Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Oxford, Elsevier, 2005, 1-4.
Chan D.W., The Use of RNA Interference in Study of HBV-infected Hepatocellular Carcinoma, In: Chan DW, Weekly scientific meeting. Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, HKU. September 2004.
Chan D.W., The Use of RNA interference in Medical Science , In: Chan DW, Annual Scientific Meeting 2004, Hong Kong Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences Ltd. JW Marriott Hotel, Queenway, Hong Kong. 18th July, 2004. . 2004.
Chan L.C., Biological significance of fusion genes in leukaemia, 13th T.B. Teoh Foundation Lecture, Hong Kong College of Pathologists. Hong Kong.. 2004.
Chan L.C., Creating a mouse model of human leukaemia: gene targeting of MLL-EEN fusion gene., Joint seminar of Riken Centre for Development Biology (CDB) and The University of Hong Kong. Kobe, Japan.. 2005.
Chan L.C., Demonstrations on integrated curriculum and PBL teaching, West China School of Medicine of the Sichuan University. Sichuan, China.. 2004.
Chan L.C., From patient to mouse - what we can learn from an animal model of leukaemia., Pediatric Haemat-Oncology Symposium; Centro Hospital Conde de S. Januario. Macau.. 2005.
Chan L.C., Fusion genes in acute leukaemia. , West China School of Medicine of the Sichuan University. Sichuan, China.. 2004.
Chan L.C., Molecular genetics and impact on clinical management. Lessons from childhood leukaemia., Symposium - Molecular Biology: ABC. 11th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress. Hong Kong.. 2004.
Chan L.C., Tea leaves and tails from Hong Kong., 21st Anniversary Celebration. Leukemia Research Fund Centre for Cell & Molecular Biology, ICR, London. . 2005.
Chan L.C., The impact of molecular genetics on the practise of clinical haematology., National Health Care Group (NHG) Annual Scientific Congress. Singapore.. 2004.
Huang F., Dendritic Cells: Friends, Foes and the ‘Trojan Horse’, Presented at the Hong Kong Society of Haematology, Hong Kong, 28 January 2005.
Huang F., Induction of systemic autoimmune disease by dendritic cells that have captured dying cells, Proceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress (APLAR 2004), International Convention Center, (ICC), Jeju, Korea, September 11-16, 2004.
Huang F., Systemic autoimmune disease induced by dendritic cells that have captured necrotic but not apoptotic dying cells, Presented at Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, UK, 3 August 2004.
Leung S.Y., Advances in molecular genetics in colorectal cancer, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital and Stanford University Medical Centre Joint Teleconference Symposium entitled “Management of G.I. Malignancy”, Hong Kong, September 2004.
Leung S.Y., Advances in molecular genetics in colorectal cancer, Invited talk to Asia Pacific Digestive Week, Beijing, China, October 2004.
Leung S.Y., Delineation of prognostic markers by expression profiling in gastric cancer, Inaugural Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Gastric Cancer Consortium Australia, August 2004.
Leung S.Y., Delineation of prognostic markers in gastric cancer by expression profiling, Invited talk to Frontier in Biomedical Research, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 2004.
Leung S.Y., Expression profiling and molecular genetics of adenocarcinomas arising from the gastrointestinal tract , The Croucher Advanced Study Institute on “Molecular Genetics Cell Signaling in Cancers” Hong Kong, 17-21 January 2005.
Leung S.Y., Microsatellite instability and hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome – causes, genetic diagnosis and molecular pathways of cancer development, 1th Annual meeting of the Japanese Familial Cancer Society, Fukushima, Japan, June 2005.
Leung S.Y., Microsatellite instability in colon cancer – causes and molecular pathways of tumour development, 6th Jointed Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Society of Gastroenterology, Hong Kong, October 2004.
Leung S.Y., Molecular portraits of gastric cancer – What can we learn from expression profiling, Research seminar delivered in Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, Australia, August 2004.
Leung S.Y., Molecular portraits of gastric cancer – a Hong Kong perspective, Inaugural Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Gastric Cancer Consortium Australia, August 2004.
Leung S.Y., Molecular portraits of gastric cancer, Symposium entitled “Genomics, Proteomics and Therapeutics in Cancer Research” organized by Research Centre of Cancer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, October 2004.
Lu L., Apoptosis and its regulation during B cell development, Symposium of Developmental Immunology, The XIXth International Congress of Zoology, Beijing, China. 2004.
Lu L., B cell development and its regulation, Symposium on Life Sciences, Chinese University of Science and Technology, Hefei, December. 2004.
Lu L., Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Chinese Society for Immunology, 2004.
Lu L., Frontiers in Immunology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Oct. 2004.
Lu L., Hoxb3 deficiency impairs B lymphopoiesis, 12th International Conference for Immunology, Montreal, Canada, July 18-23. 2004.
Lu L., Lam Q.L.K., Zhang M., Lo K.C., Ko K.H., Osmond D.G., Wu G.E. and Rottapel R., Novel function of c-Abl in regulating precursor B cell development, The 3rd Congress of the Federation of Immunology Societies of Asia-Oceania, Hangzhou, China, April 18-22. 2005.
Ng I.O.L., Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Asian Journal of Surgery. 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Chimerism in transplanted livers, Asian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver Disease, New Deli, India, December . 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Chromosomal instability and novel genes in HCC (State-of-the-Art Lecture), 5th Scientific Meeting, HKU Centre for the Study of Liver Disease, Hong Kong, January. 2005.
Ng I.O.L., Genetic instability and novel genes in hepatocellular carcinoma, Genomics, Proteomics and Therapeutics in Cancer Research Conference, Cancer Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, October . 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Journal of Clinical Oncology (Chinese version). 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Molecular and genetic studies of hepatocellular carcinoma, Frontiers in Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, December . 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Molecular studies of HCC, 4th International Meeting of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, December . 2004.
Ng I.O.L., Pathology of hepatocellular carcinoma, Surgical Workshop in HCC, 4th International Meeting of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Eastern and Western Experiences, Hong Kong, December . 2004.
Ng I.O.L., RNA interference, Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, November . 2004.
Srivastava G., Epigenetics and Molecular Targeting in Cancer, 11th HK International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong (10 to 12 November, 2004). 2004.
Srivastava G., Molecular Pathogenesis of Nasal NK/T-cell Lymphoma, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Fukuoka, Japan (September 29 to October 1, 2004). 2004.
Wong M.P., Updates on Pathological Classification of Lung Cancers, 9th Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Congress. 2004.
Prizes and Awards
Ng I.O.L., Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowship, Croucher Foundation. 2005.
Ng I.O.L., Outstanding researcher award, The University of Hong Kong. 2005.
Tam I.Y.S., 2005 AACR-ITO EN, Ltd. Scholar-In-Training Award Purpose: To foster and enhance the education and training of promising cancer researchers residing in Asian countries, 96th Annual Meeting 2005, American Association for Cancer Research, Anaheim, Orange Country, California, USA, April 16-20, 2005.