Digital Pathology
Our Services
Online core facilities booking system (for authorized personnel only)
A core service for digitalization of microscopic slides web-based virtual microscopy and automated image analysis.
This core service is provided by the Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong. It includes the scanning of whole microscopic slides in 20X or 40X resolution (of standard histological or immunohistochemical staining), hosting of digitalized slides for web-based virtual microscopy. This facility utilizes a Nanozoomer system S210 microscopic slide scanning system, coupled with software for web-based image storage and access. It allows user to utilize the following software applications for data analysis:
- Tissue microarray analysis software – software for analysis of tissue microarray slides ( for department user only)
- Positive pixel count – for quantification of area with positive staining and corresponding staining intensity
- Nuclear algorithm – for quantification of nuclear staining (including counting % of nuclei with positive staining and corresponding staining intensity)
- Membrane algorithm – for quantification of membranous staining (including counting % of cells with positive membranous staining and corresponding staining intensity)
- Co-localisation algorithm – for quantification of two different colours (assessment of double staining, corresponding areas and intensity)
Service charges
26 mm × 76 mm slides (Thickness 0.9 mm to 1.2 mm)
20x | HKU User | Non-HKU User |
Ordinary slides |
HK$20/slide |
HK$40/slide |
TMA mode (>20 cores) |
HK$50/slide |
HK$100/slide |
40x | HKU User | Non-HKU User |
Ordinary slides | HK$40/slide | HK$80/slide |
TMA mode (>20 cores) | HK$100/slide | HK$200/slide |
All charges include one-month slide hosting and web access.
For image analysis, freeware's can be use:
- aperio-imagescope (window only)
- Orbit (window, OSX, Linux)
- OMERO (window, OSX, Linux)
- QuPath (window, OSX, Linux)
Download Service Request Form

Nanozoomer digital scan system
Mr. Kai Wong or Mr Andrew Lai | 2255 2703 or 2255 2702 | |