Histopathology Service
Our Services
Online core facilities booking system (for authorized personnel only)

Tissue processing

Tissue sectioning

Tissue microarray
The system is designed for high-throughput immunohistochemical staining (IHC) which can automatically perform IHC on 96 standard 25x75mm microscope slides at a single run. The system includes IHC protocols that cover most of the detection methods either using commercial kits or individual immuno-detecting reagents. The system also provides great flexibility on the use of any kind of commercially available detection system. Customer can request setting up their own and currently used protocol; The Department of Pathology also has expertise in providing technical advice and troubleshooting support.
- Teaching of histopathology techniques
- Hematoxylin and Eosin staining
- Special staining
Sample/request collection every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding public holiday) from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Click here for price list (effective November 1, 2023)
and here for HKU users’ service request form (updated November 1, 2023)
and here for non-HKU users' service request form (updated November 1, 2023)
Mr. Wong Hin Chung, Paul | 2255 2704 | pwonghc@pathology.hku.hk | |||
Room 027, 9/F, Block T, Queen Mary Hospital, 102 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. |

Roche Discovery Ultra automated system for IHC and ISH